I wrote a Fenics mesh XML import/export function for FreeCAD shortly ago and therefore digged through the source code of dolfin to get an idea how to interpret the XML files. My question is: In the dolfin/mesh/CellType.cpp file there are switch-case statements checking whether mesh type is 'hexahedron'. But somehow this function is not implemented in the MeshEditor class in dolfin/mesh/MeshEditor.cpp. (At least it is not implemented in the switch-case statement.) Therefore Fenics cannot read hexahedral meshes which I exported from FreeCAD, although the celltype is known in the CellType class. Is it planned to implement these in the MeshEditor class in the near future? Or are these hexahedral elements only empty placeholders for the very far future? Is it sufficient to just add an additonal case 'hexahedron' in the MeshEditor.cpp file?
Best wishes