

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class SubsetIterator

A SubsetIterator is similar to a MeshEntityIterator but iterates over a specified subset of the range of entities as specified by a MeshFunction that labels the entities.

SubsetIterator(const MeshFunction<std::size_t> &labels, std::size_t label)

Create iterator for given mesh function. The iterator visits all entities that match the given label.

SubsetIterator(const SubsetIterator &subset_iter)

Copy Constructor

SubsetIterator &operator++()

Step to next mesh entity (prefix increment)

bool operator==(const SubsetIterator &sub_iter) const

Comparison operator

bool operator!=(const SubsetIterator &sub_iter) const

Comparison operator

MeshEntity &operator*()

Dereference operator

MeshEntity *operator->()

Member access operator

bool end() const

Check if iterator has reached the end

void set_end()

Set pos to end position. To create a kind of mesh.end() iterator.