

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class MeshPartitioning

This class partitions and distributes a mesh based on partitioned local mesh data.The local mesh data will also be repartitioned and redistributed during the computation of the mesh partitioning.

After partitioning, each process has a local mesh and some data that couples the meshes together.

static void build_distributed_mesh(Mesh &mesh)

Build a distributed mesh from a local mesh on process 0

static void build_distributed_mesh(Mesh &mesh, const std::vector<int> &cell_partition, const std::string ghost_mode)

Build a distributed mesh from a local mesh on process 0, with distribution of cells supplied (destination processes for each cell)

static void build_distributed_mesh(Mesh &mesh, const LocalMeshData &data, const std::string ghost_mode)

Build a distributed mesh from ‘local mesh data’ that is distributed across processes

static void build_distributed_value_collection(MeshValueCollection<T> &values, const LocalMeshValueCollection<T> &local_data, const Mesh &mesh)

Build a MeshValueCollection based on LocalMeshValueCollection