I'm trying to solve the following system of equations on a 1D interval mesh:
$$\frac{\partial A}{\partial t} + \nabla \left( A u \right) = 0$$
$$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + \frac{\beta}{2 \rho \sqrt{A}} \nabla A + u \nabla u = - \frac{8 \pi \mu}{\rho} \frac{u}{A}$$
The equations describe the time evolution of the cross-sectional area of an artery and blood velocity u within that artery. I've gathered from the tutorial examples that a useful approach for solving a highly coupled system like this is the use of two test functions v and q. I use v as the test function for the first equation and q as the test function for the second equation and then add both equations so that I am only left with a single equation (see code below). As I implement a(u, A, v, q) I run into a shape mismatch error, which occurs on the term dt*beta/(2*rho)*inner(a**-0.5*grad(a), q)*dx
. How do I resolve this error?
# Set up simulation parameters
l = 20.0
a0 = 1.0
beta = 22967.4
c0 = 357.14
mu = 3.5e-3
rho = 1060.0
nx = 100
dx = l/nx
dt = 0.5*dx/c0
T = 0.06
nt = int(T/dt)
nu = 3.5e-3
# Create 1d line mesh
mesh = IntervalMesh(nx, 0.0, l)
# Define function spaces (P2-P1)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
W = MixedFunctionSpace([V, Q])
# Define trial and test functions for velocity and area
(u, a) = TrialFunctions(W)
(v, q) = TestFunctions(W)
# Define boundary conditions
p_in = 1.0
p_out = 0.0
a_in = A0 / (1 - p_in/(2*rho*c0**2))**2
a_out = A0 / (1 - p_out/(2*rho*c0**2))**2
L = Constant(l)
inflow = DirichletBC(W.sub(1), Constant(a_in),
"on_boundary && near(x[0], 0.0)")
outflow = DirichletBC(W.sub(1), Constant(a_out),
"on_boundary && near(x[0], 1.0)")
bcs = [inflow, outflow]
u_0 = Function(W)
a_0 = Function(W)
a = inner(a, v)*dx + dt*inner(u*grad(a), v)*dx + dt*inner(a*grad(u), v)*dx +\
inner(u, q)*dx + dt*beta/(2*rho)*inner(a**-0.5*grad(a), q)*dx +\
dt*inner(u*grad(u), q)*dx
L = inner(a_0, v)*dx + inner(u_0, q)*dx -\
8*np.pi*mu*dt/rho*inner(u/a, q)*dx
A = assemble(a)
# Use amg preconditioner if available
prec = "amg" if has_krylov_solver_preconditioner("amg") else "default"
# Use nonzero guesses - essential for CG with non-symmetric BC
parameters['krylov_solver']['nonzero_initial_guess'] = True
t = dt
while t < T + DOLFIN_EPS:
b = assemble(L)
[bc.apply(A, b) for bc in bcs]
solve(A, (u_0.vector(), a_0.vector()), b, "bicgstab", "default")
plot(u_0, title="velocity", rescale=True)
plot(a_0, title="area", rescale=True)
t += dt
print "t=", t
# Hold plot