I have a mesh created in this way
omega = BoxMesh(-6, -4, -4, 6, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10)
and saved is this way
File('temp.xml') << omega
¿how to convert the 'temp.xml' file to gmsh format?
You will need to write a converter by yourself. You can check dolfin/site-packages/dolfin_utils/meshconvert/meshconvert.py for the way a reverse conversion is done. You can also commit your work there. Another way is to stick to io module framework.
Support for gmsh output will not be supported in DOLFIN.
If you want mesh output against a community standard/specification, use XDMF.
Hi, a simple solution would be to use Octave and the packages msh and fpl. You can do as follow: 1) save the mesh in the .xml file as you are doing in Dolfin 2) load the mesh in Octave using msh 3) save it in a format compatible with gmsh using fpl Quite long but you don't have to write code :-)
I am trying to implement what gedeone has mentioned above: This is a function that receives a mesh, sends it to gmesh, remeshes it, gets it back and returns the refined mesh. When I run this script, there is an error regarding octave library refers to:
oct_msh = octave.mshm_dolfin_read('f1.xml.gz')
Note: I have installed octave, gmsh, etc. other octave commans work but this one.
Moreover, how does the rest of the code look like?
def gmsh_refine(mesh): dolfin.File('f1.xml.gz') << mesh f2 = open('out.geo', 'wb') # writing geo file for gmesh f2.write(''' Mesh.CharacteristicLengthFactor=0.1; Mesh.Algorithm3D = 4; //Frontal (4) Delaunay(1) Mesh.RemeshAlgorithm=1; Merge "f2.stl"; Compound Surface(200)={1}; Surface Loop(300)={200}; Volume(301)={300}; Physical Surface (501)={200}; Physical Volume(502)={301}; ''') #reading in octave oct_msh = octave.mshm_dolfin_read('f1.xml.gz') #writing for gmsh octave.msh3m_gmsh_write('f2.stl', oct_msh) #remeshing os.system('gmsh f2.geo -3') #converting to xml os.system('dolfin-convert f2.msh f3.xml') #reading for dolfin return dolfin.Mesh('f3.xml')