I have the following example code, but it works just for a scalar value, I want adapt it to a vector with 3 components. How can I do? Thanks!
from dolfin import *
mesh = BoxMesh (-4,-4,-4,4,4,4,10,10,10)
V = FunctionSpace (mesh, 'CG',1)
dt = 1
rho = 0.012 #giorni^(-1)
G = 0.0013 #giorni^(-1)
D = 0.0065 #cm^2 \ giorni
tf = 60 #giorni
Initial condition
u_t0 = Expression ('exp(-(x[0]x[0])/(2sig0sig0)-(x[1]x[1])/(2sig0sig0)-(x[2]x[2])/(2sig0*sig0))',sig0=3, cell = tetrahedron)
u = TrialFunction (V)
v = TestFunction (V)
f = ut0 - 0.5*dt*(G-rho)*ut0 #OK
a = (uv + dtD0.5inner(nablagrad(u),nablagrad(v)) + dt0.5(G-rho)uv)dx #OK
L = fvdx - dt0.5Dinner(nablagrad(ut0),nabla_grad(v))*dx #OK
u = Function(V)
for i in range(1,tf):
solve(a == L, u)
if (i!=(tf-1)):
ut0 = u
f = ut0 - 0.5dt(G-rho)u_t0
L = fvdx - dt0.5Dinner(nablagrad(ut0),nabla_grad(v))*dx
Create mesh & corresponding function spaces
mesh2 = RectangleMesh(-4,-4,4,4,10,10)
V2 = FunctionSpace (mesh2, 'CG',1)
u2 = Function(V2)
u = interpolate(u, V)
coords = mesh2.coordinates()
dofmap = vertextodofmap(V2)
Pick your values of z
z = 1.0
for i in range(V2.dim()):
u2.vector()[dof_map[i]] = u(coords[i][0],coords[i][1],z)