While attempting a hashdist install of Fenics through a login node of a cluster (no root access) I am faced with the following error when it tries to install Parmetis.
2015/11/18 18:49:05 - INFO: [package:run_job] mpiexec_h60l2: cannot connect to local mpd (/tmp/mpd2.console_lcosta); possible causes:
2015/11/18 18:49:05 - INFO: [package:run_job] 1. no mpd is running on this host
2015/11/18 18:49:05 - INFO: [package:run_job] 2. an mpd is running but was started without a "console" (-n option)
2015/11/18 18:49:05 - ERROR: [package:run_job] Command '[u'/bin/bash', '_hashdist/build.sh']' returned non-zero exit status 255
2015/11/18 18:49:05 - ERROR: [package:run_job] command failed (code=255); raising
It seems to be trying to run an MPI process but since I'm on a login node, mpd is not running and it's not an option without root access. Is there a way around this?