After going through the time dependent heat equation tutorials on fenics website, I am trying to model the seismic wave equation on a square mesh in FEniCS.
$$ u_{tt} = {c^2} \Delta u $$
I am an engineering student and my exposure to discretization methods is very limited and superficial. From what I gathered through the literature online, Crank-Nicolson and sympletic Euler method are the best ones for implementing wave equation due to their energy conservation schemes. Even newmark beta method was suggested.
Can someone confirm/ elaborate/ counter this or suggest a better method?
If you are aware of a document that explains such a method for implementing wave equation in Fenics, can you pls. point me towards it. I have come across some documents but most of them are very mathematical in nature which will obviously be an engineer's last resort :)
Thanks! I' ll be very grateful for any help and guidance in this regard.