I work on the Poisson equation. I use functionals a=(u-ue)(u-ue)dx and a=(u-ue)(u-ue)dx + inner(grad(u-ue), grad(u-ue))dx (ufl form) to compute the L2 and H1 error. The situations are:
when I use P1 element, the error orders are perfect. But when I use P2 or P3 element, the H1 error order are good, the L2 error order degenerates.
I compute functional a=(u-ue)(u-ue)dx and a=inner(grad(u-ue), grad(u-ue))dx, then add them together. I found the summation does not equal the value a=(u-ue)(u-ue)dx + inner(grad(u-ue), grad(u-ue))*dx.
This is a troublesome problem!!! Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks in advance.
1. main.cpp:
include <dolfin.h>
include "Poisson.h"
include "L2error.h"
include "H1error.h"
include "Grad.h"
using namespace dolfin;
// Source term (right-hand side)
class Source : public Expression
void eval(Array& values, const Array& x) const
values[0] = -x[1]*(1-x[1])*(1-x[0]-0.5*x[0]*x[0])*exp(x[0]+x[1])-x[0]*(1-0.5*x[0])*(-3*x[1]-x[1]*x[1])*exp(x[0]+x[1]);
// Sub domain for Dirichlet boundary condition
class DirichletBoundary : public SubDomain
bool inside(const Array& x, bool on_boundary) const
return on_boundary;
// Exact solution
class ExactSolution : public Expression
void eval(Array& values, const Array& x) const
values[0] = x[0]x[1](1-x[0]/2)(1-x[1])exp(x[0]+x[1]);
int main()
// Create mesh and function space
int n=64;
UnitSquareMesh mesh(n, n);
Poisson::FunctionSpace V(mesh);
// Define boundary condition
ExactSolution u0;
DirichletBoundary boundary;
DirichletBC bc(V, u0, boundary);
// Define variational forms
Poisson::BilinearForm a(V, V);
Poisson::LinearForm L(V);
Source f;
L.f = f;
// Compute solution
Function u(V);
solve(a == L, u, bc);
ExactSolution ue;
// Compute L2 error
L2error:: Functional L2error_form (mesh);
double MyL2error = sqrt(assemble(L2error_form));
double error1 = assemble(L2error_form);
// Compute Grad energy
Grad:: Functional Grad_form (mesh);
double error2=assemble(Grad_form);
// Compute H1 error
H1error:: Functional H1error_form (mesh);
double MyH1error=sqrt(assemble(H1error_form));
double error3=assemble(H1error_form);
// print error norm
cout<<"L2 error =" <<MyL2error<<endl;
cout<<"H1 error =" <<MyH1error<<endl;
cout <<error1+error2<<endl;
return 0;
element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle, 2)
u = TrialFunction(element)
v = TestFunction(element)
f = Coefficient(element)
g = Coefficient(element)
a = inner(grad(u), grad(v))dx
L = fv*dx
Grad.ufl :
order = 4
element0 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle,order)
element1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle,order+2)
ComputedSolution = Coefficient(element0)
ExactSolution = Coefficient(element1)
a= inner(grad(ComputedSolution-ExactSolution), grad(ComputedSolution-ExactSolution))*dx
order = 4
element0 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle,order)
element1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle,order+2)
ComputedSolution = Coefficient(element0)
ExactSolution = Coefficient(element1)
a=(ComputedSolution-ExactSolution)(ComputedSolution-ExactSolution)dx + inner(grad(ComputedSolution-ExactSolution), grad(ComputedSolution-ExactSolution))*dx
order = 4
element0 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle,order)
element1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle,order+2)
ComputedSolution = Coefficient(element0)
ExactSolution = Coefficient(element1)
The above is my complete code. Thank you for help.