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How can I get the local mesh size in velocity direction?

+4 votes

For a SUPG stabilization I need the local mesh size in velocity direction. How can I get this mesh size?

asked Jul 2, 2015 by meipaff FEniCS Novice (320 points)

1 Answer

+5 votes

If you have an isotropic mesh, you can do

h = CellSize(mesh)

Otherwise you will have to look at what we do in the pragmatic anisotropic mesh adaptation library

def mesh_metric(mesh):
# this function calculates a mesh metric (or perhaps a square inverse of that, see mesh_metric2...)
cell2dof = c_cell_dofs(mesh,TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
cells = mesh.cells()
coords = mesh.coordinates()
p1 = coords[cells[:,0],:]
p2 = coords[cells[:,1],:]
p3 = coords[cells[:,2],:]
r1 = p1-p2; r2 = p1-p3; r3 = p2-p3
Nedg = 3
if mesh.geometry().dim() == 3:
  Nedg = 6
  p4 = coords[cells[:,3],:]
  r4 = p1-p4; r5 = p2-p4; r6 = p3-p4
rall = zeros([p1.shape[0],p1.shape[1],Nedg])
rall[:,:,0] = r1; rall[:,:,1] = r2; rall[:,:,2] = r3
if mesh.geometry().dim() == 3:
  rall[:,:,3] = r4; rall[:,:,4] = r5; rall[:,:,5] = r6
All = zeros([p1.shape[0],Nedg**2])
inds = arange(Nedg**2).reshape([Nedg,Nedg])
for i in range(Nedg):
  All[:,inds[i,0]] = rall[:,0,i]**2; All[:,inds[i,1]] = 2.*rall[:,0,i]*rall[:,1,i]; All[:,inds[i,2]] = rall[:,1,i]**2
  if mesh.geometry().dim() == 3:
    All[:,inds[i,3]] = 2.*rall[:,0,i]*rall[:,2,i]; All[:,inds[i,4]] = 2.*rall[:,1,i]*rall[:,2,i]; All[:,inds[i,5]] = rall[:,2,i]**2
Ain = zeros([Nedg*2-1,Nedg*p1.shape[0]])
ndia = zeros(Nedg*2-1)
for i in range(Nedg):
  for j in range(i,Nedg):
      iks1 = arange(j,Ain.shape[1],Nedg)
      if i==0:
          Ain[i,iks1] = All[:,inds[j,j]]
          iks2 = arange(j-i,Ain.shape[1],Nedg)
          Ain[2*i-1,iks1] = All[:,inds[j-i,j]]
          Ain[2*i,iks2]   = All[:,inds[j,j-i]]
          ndia[2*i-1] = i
          ndia[2*i]   = -i

A = scipy.sparse.spdiags(Ain, ndia, Ain.shape[1], Ain.shape[1]).tocsr()
b = ones(Ain.shape[1])
X = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A,b)
#set solution
XX = sym2asym(X.reshape([mesh.num_cells(),Nedg]).transpose())
M = Function(TensorFunctionSpace(mesh,"DG", 0))
return M

You can then do


which will give you the inverse length in the direction of v as given by a steiner ellipsoid around each tetrahedron.

answered Jul 2, 2015 by KristianE FEniCS Expert (12,900 points)

Thank you very much for your information. So I should install your mesh adaptation library?
I tried to do that, but on Ubuntu I get some errors of the form: 'METIS_PartMeshNodal was not declared in this scope'. I'm grateful for any hints.

No, you do not need to install the software. It should be sufficient to copy the bits you need from the file.

Thank you again very much. Your advices have solved my problem.
