If you have an isotropic mesh, you can do
h = CellSize(mesh)
Otherwise you will have to look at what we do in the pragmatic anisotropic mesh adaptation library
def mesh_metric(mesh):
# this function calculates a mesh metric (or perhaps a square inverse of that, see mesh_metric2...)
cell2dof = c_cell_dofs(mesh,TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0))
cells = mesh.cells()
coords = mesh.coordinates()
p1 = coords[cells[:,0],:]
p2 = coords[cells[:,1],:]
p3 = coords[cells[:,2],:]
r1 = p1-p2; r2 = p1-p3; r3 = p2-p3
Nedg = 3
if mesh.geometry().dim() == 3:
Nedg = 6
p4 = coords[cells[:,3],:]
r4 = p1-p4; r5 = p2-p4; r6 = p3-p4
rall = zeros([p1.shape[0],p1.shape[1],Nedg])
rall[:,:,0] = r1; rall[:,:,1] = r2; rall[:,:,2] = r3
if mesh.geometry().dim() == 3:
rall[:,:,3] = r4; rall[:,:,4] = r5; rall[:,:,5] = r6
All = zeros([p1.shape[0],Nedg**2])
inds = arange(Nedg**2).reshape([Nedg,Nedg])
for i in range(Nedg):
All[:,inds[i,0]] = rall[:,0,i]**2; All[:,inds[i,1]] = 2.*rall[:,0,i]*rall[:,1,i]; All[:,inds[i,2]] = rall[:,1,i]**2
if mesh.geometry().dim() == 3:
All[:,inds[i,3]] = 2.*rall[:,0,i]*rall[:,2,i]; All[:,inds[i,4]] = 2.*rall[:,1,i]*rall[:,2,i]; All[:,inds[i,5]] = rall[:,2,i]**2
Ain = zeros([Nedg*2-1,Nedg*p1.shape[0]])
ndia = zeros(Nedg*2-1)
for i in range(Nedg):
for j in range(i,Nedg):
iks1 = arange(j,Ain.shape[1],Nedg)
if i==0:
Ain[i,iks1] = All[:,inds[j,j]]
iks2 = arange(j-i,Ain.shape[1],Nedg)
Ain[2*i-1,iks1] = All[:,inds[j-i,j]]
Ain[2*i,iks2] = All[:,inds[j,j-i]]
ndia[2*i-1] = i
ndia[2*i] = -i
A = scipy.sparse.spdiags(Ain, ndia, Ain.shape[1], Ain.shape[1]).tocsr()
b = ones(Ain.shape[1])
X = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(A,b)
#set solution
XX = sym2asym(X.reshape([mesh.num_cells(),Nedg]).transpose())
M = Function(TensorFunctionSpace(mesh,"DG", 0))
return M
You can then do
which will give you the inverse length in the direction of v as given by a steiner ellipsoid around each tetrahedron.