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Which numpy+mkl version should be used on windows?

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Hi guys,

I tried to use FEniCS on Windows. On MacOSX everything is fine, but when I try to import the scipy.interpolate package from another directory with

import sys
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

I am told the _fblas package would be missing:

from scipy.linalg import _fblas
ImportError: DLL load failed: ... [something like "module is missing"]

Because of that I installed the cp26-Version of numpy+mkl from here:
At least I get another error message now: When I write

from dolfin import *

I am told the the package python-scientific should be installed (of course it is installed already).

Does somebody know how to fix this problem?
I guess it may be something about different versions of numpy or scipy.
The versions I installed are:
scipy 0.16.0.b2-cp26-win32

Preinstalled was:
numpy 1.6.1

asked Jun 24, 2015 by MaxMeier FEniCS Novice (850 points)

SciPy is not required for FEniCS and ScientificPython (python-scientific) is not used in the latest release (1.5.0).

I know, but I need SciPy for the further analysis of the simulation (basically I want to integrate over an area). The latest release for Windows is version 1.0.0

The binary package for Windows is outdated. On Windows it is currently recommended to run FEniCS in a virtual machine with Ubuntu.

I know. But I am not a admin on this computer and won't probably get vm installed by an admin, so I need to use the binary package for Windows.
Is there no way to run SciPy on Windows?

I'm sure you can run SciPy on Windows, but using it with the FEniCS binary package is a different question. What you can try is to install SciPy using the Python that comes with the FEniCS binary. First download the SciPy source files that are compatible with the NumPy version in the FEniCS binary. Unpack this to some folder. Then open the FEniCS terminal and install SciPy from there using the standard python install --prefix=%FENICS_DIR% (from the SciPy source code folder).
