Dear All,
Assume we have a cube with a cubic hole at the centre (i.e. two concentric cubes) for which we would like to solve Laplace equation with the following applied boundary conditions (BC):
1) a u=0 Dirichlet BC on the surface of the external cube.
2) On the inner cube surface, we would like to apply Neumann BC using 3 known functions gx(x,y,z), gy(x,y,z) and gz(x,y,z), such that the applied boundary condition is : g(x,y,z) = gx(x,y,z)nx + gy(x,y,z)ny + gz(x,y,z)*nz where n = (nx, ny, nz) is the normal on each node (x,y,z) of the inner cubic surface mesh.
How would one access the normal components and write the corresponding Neumann boundary condition ?
Thanks a lot for any help.