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Unexpected solution to incomp. Navier-Stokes

0 votes

Hi, I have a simple problem. Im trying to solve a standard incomp. fluid flow governed by Navier-Stokes equations. The DG method I have implemented gives me the right results on several examples. But in the following domain, just the zero solution is found.

Here is the definition of domain and mesh, together with boundary description

from dolfin import *
import mshr

dim = 2

# Define Domain

SquareSize  = 5.0

LeftDownCorner  = Point(2.48,1.0)
RightTopCorner  = Point(2.52,4.0)

def closeToMid(x):
    dx = RightTopCorner[0] - x[0] 
    dy = RightTopCorner[1] - x[1]
    divX = RightTopCorner[0] - LeftDownCorner[0]
    divY = RightTopCorner[1] - LeftDownCorner[1]
    if ((dx >= -DOLFIN_EPS and dx <= divX+DOLFIN_EPS) and (dy >= -DOLFIN_EPS and dy <= divY+DOLFIN_EPS)):
        return True
        return False

def inlet(x):
    if ( near(x[1],0.0) and ( (x[0]>=2.0 and x[0]<=3.0) ) ): 
        return True
        return False

def outlet(x):
    if ( near(x[1],SquareSize) and (x[0]>=2.0 and x[0]<=3.0) ):
        return True
        return False

def noslip(x):
    if (not outlet(x) and not inlet(x)) and ( near(x[0],0.0) or near(x[0],SquareSize) or near(x[1],0.0) or near(x[1],SquareSize) or closeToMid(x) ):
        return True
        return False

geometry =  mshr.Rectangle(Point(0.0,0.0), Point(SquareSize, SquareSize)) - mshr.Rectangle(LeftDownCorner,RightTopCorner)

# Build mesh
mesh    = mshr.generate_mesh(geometry, 20)
def onMid(x,bndry):
    return bndry and closeToMid(x)

def inletV(x,bndry):
    return bndry and inlet(x)

def outletV(x,bndry):
    return bndry and outlet(x)

def noslipV(x,bndry):
    return bndry and noslip(x)

# Boundary description
bndry   = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh)

for f in facets(mesh):
     mp = f.midpoint()
     if inlet(mp): bndry[f] = 1  # inflow
     elif outlet(mp): bndry[f] = 2  # outflow
     elif noslip(mp): bndry[f] = 3  # walls

plot(bndry,interactive = True)

You can run the previous code to see how the domain, inlet, outlet and noslip look like. My hope is that just there is some problem. The result looks like the inlet condition is not fulfiled.

The following is the rest of the code, where are among others defined DirichletBC's and the whole DG method.

# Function spaces
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 2)
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 1)
W = MixedFunctionSpace([V,Q])

zeroD       = Expression(("0.0", "0.0"), t = 0.0)
u_IN        = Expression(("0.0","100*(x[0]-2.0)*(3.0-x[0])"))

bc_inV      = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), u_IN, inletV,'pointwise')
bc_noslipV  = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), zeroD, noslipV, 'pointwise')

bcs = [bc_inV, bc_noslipV]

# Unknown and test functions
w   = Function(W)
(u, p)  = split(w)
(v, q)  = TestFunctions(W)
u_1 = Function(V) # velocity from previous time step

u0  = Expression(("0.0", "0.0"))

# Problem parameters
T_end   = 3.14
dt  = 0.2
t   = dt

sigma   = 10.0
mu  = 1.36*1.e-4

# Variational formulation
n   = FacetNormal(mesh)
ds  = Measure("ds", subdomain_data = bndry)
I   = Identity(u.geometric_dimension())
D   = mu*(grad(u) + grad(u).T)
F   = D
def a(u,v):
    M = inner(F,grad(v))*dx - inner(avg(F)*n('+'),jump(v))*dS 
    return M

def J(u,v):
    M = sigma*inner(jump(u),jump(v))*dS
    return M

def b(p,v):
    M = -p*div(v)*dx  + avg(p)*dot(jump(v),n('+'))*dS
    return M

def c(u,w,v):   
    P = avg(dot(w,n))
    H = conditional(P < 0.0, dot(u('+'),w('+')), dot(u('-'),w('-')))
    M = -0.5*inner(grad(v)*u,w)*dx + inner(0.5*H*n('+'),jump(v))*dS
    return M

T = (1/dt)*inner(u - u_1,v)*dx + a(u,v) + J(u,v) + b(p,v) + b(q,u) + c(u,u_1,v)

# Solution
t = dt

plt = plot(u, mesh = mesh, mode="color", interactive = True, wireframe = False)
pltP = plot(p, mesh = mesh, mode="color", interactive = True, wireframe = False)

while t<=T_end: 
    (u,p) = w.split(True)
    t += float(dt)

I'm sorry for such a long code, but in order to provide the whole information I kind of didn't want to cut it more.

So, if you can please help me find the reason why the zero solution is computed, even though there is a nonzero inlet flow, I will be very thanhkfull.

asked Jun 9, 2015 by Ianx86 FEniCS User (1,050 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


With pointwise boundary conditions the "on_boundary" variable, or "bndry" as you call it, will allways be False. Try switching to "geometric" and see if that helps. Also see the docstring of DirichletBC.

answered Jun 9, 2015 by mikael-mortensen FEniCS Expert (29,340 points)
selected Jun 9, 2015 by Ianx86

Thank you very much. That solves my problem and I will check closely DirichletBC to see the details.
