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plot a section of a 3d solution

+2 votes


I wrote the following code:

from dolfin import *

mesh = BoxMesh (-4,-4,-4,4,4,4,10,10,10)

V = FunctionSpace (mesh, 'CG',1)

dt = 1
rho = 0.012  #giorni^(-1)
G = 0.0013   #giorni^(-1)
D = 0.0065   #cm^2 \ giorni
tf = 60      #giorni

#Initial condition
u_t0 = Expression ('exp(-(x[0]*x[0])/(2*sig0*sig0)-(x[1]*x[1])/(2*sig0*sig0)-(x[2]*x[2])/(2*sig0*sig0))',sig0=3, cell = tetrahedron)

u = TrialFunction (V)
v = TestFunction (V)
f = u_t0 - 0.5*dt*(G-rho)*u_t0  #OK
a = (u*v + dt*D*0.5*inner(nabla_grad(u),nabla_grad(v)) + dt*0.5*(G-rho)*u*v)*dx  #OK
L = f*v*dx - dt*0.5*D*inner(nabla_grad(u_t0),nabla_grad(v))*dx  #OK

u = Function(V)

for i in range(1,tf):
    solve(a == L, u)
        if (i!=(tf-1)):
            u_t0 = u
            f = u_t0 - 0.5*dt*(G-rho)*u_t0
            L = f*v*dx - dt*0.5*D*inner(nabla_grad(u_t0),nabla_grad(v))*dx

file = File('gbm.pvd')
file << u


Now I'd like to see the section of the solution, for example at z=0 or z=k with k in [-4,4].
I tried with Para View, but when I open gbm.pvd in it, I have all the filter disabled.
How can I do?


asked May 7, 2015 by ValeS FEniCS Novice (330 points)

Eventually, Do you know a way for render the solution continue also inside the box?

Kind regards


2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

I think it may be possible to do without Paraview, by interpolating onto a desired mesh. This is my attempt, albeit I am not very confident about this method - in particular that I used the vertex_to_dof_map correctly.


from dolfin import *

mesh = BoxMesh (-4,-4,-4,4,4,4,10,10,10)

V = FunctionSpace (mesh, 'CG',1)

dt = 1
rho = 0.012  #giorni^(-1)
G = 0.0013   #giorni^(-1)
D = 0.0065   #cm^2 \ giorni
tf = 60      #giorni

#Initial condition
u_t0 = Expression ('exp(-(x[0]*x[0])/(2*sig0*sig0)-(x[1]*x[1])/(2*sig0*sig0)-(x[2]*x[2])/(2*sig0*sig0))',sig0=3, cell = tetrahedron)

u = TrialFunction (V)
v = TestFunction (V)
f = u_t0 - 0.5*dt*(G-rho)*u_t0  #OK
a = (u*v + dt*D*0.5*inner(nabla_grad(u),nabla_grad(v)) + dt*0.5*(G-rho)*u*v)*dx  #OK
L = f*v*dx - dt*0.5*D*inner(nabla_grad(u_t0),nabla_grad(v))*dx  #OK

u = Function(V)

for i in range(1,tf):
        solve(a == L, u)
        if (i!=(tf-1)):
                u_t0 = u
                f = u_t0 - 0.5*dt*(G-rho)*u_t0
                L = f*v*dx - dt*0.5*D*inner(nabla_grad(u_t0),nabla_grad(v))*dx

#Create mesh & corresponding function spaces
mesh2 = RectangleMesh(-4,-4,4,4,10,10)
V2 = FunctionSpace (mesh2, 'CG',1)
u2 = Function(V2)
u = interpolate(u, V)

coords = mesh2.coordinates()
dof_map = vertex_to_dof_map(V2)

# Pick your values of z
z = 1.0

for i in range(V2.dim()):
    u2.vector()[dof_map[i]] = u(coords[i][0],coords[i][1],z)

answered May 7, 2015 by safinenko FEniCS Novice (560 points)
selected May 19, 2015 by ValeS

Thank you for your reply.

Your program is running and it solves my problem.

Do you know a way for render the solution continue also inside the box?

Kind regards


I personally don't know how to do it, but this question might be of use: Update plot each time step

+1 vote

ParaView should be able to do what you want.
Maybe try to save a Mesh first, and open that in ParaView (it can also be sliced and sectioned).
Or try the ".xdmf" format instead of ".pvd".

answered May 7, 2015 by chris_richardson FEniCS Expert (31,740 points)

I tried with .xdmf but I have the same problem.
I tried also to save and open a mesh.pvd, but the problem is the same.
Can the problem be the installation of para view?
