Is it possible model variational problems such as
minimize f(u) subject to a(u) = L (and u>=0)
using tao solvers via dolfin compiled with petsc3.5?
How can I put the equality constrains a(u)=L, its gradient and
hessian on tao solvers with dolfin?
The new example of demo folder in dolfin1.5 of Tianyi Li
call the tao solver direct with dolfin. But there is only the objective
function without constrains.
from dolfin import *
if not has_petsc_tao():
print("DOLFIN must be compiled at least with PETSc 3.5 to run this demo.")
def __init__(self):
# Objective function
def f(self, x):
u.vector()[:] = x
return assemble(elastic_energy)
# Gradient of the objective function
def F(self, b, x):
u.vector()[:] = x
assemble(grad_elastic_energy, tensor=b)
# Hessian of the objective function
def J(self, A, x):
u.vector()[:] = x
assemble(H_elastic_energy, tensor=A)
solver = PETScTAOSolver()
solver.parameters["method"] = "tron"
solver.parameters["monitor_convergence"] = True
solver.parameters["report"] = True
solver.solve(BucklingProblem(), u.vector(), u_min.vector(), u_max.vector())
How can I put some (PDE equality optimization) constrains via tao with dolfin?
( Now the new classical equality constrain optimization example from demo petsc4py3.5 folder call directly tao solvers. )