I'm working in c++. I prepared an example using parts of the demos. You can take the mesh and CMakeList files from the demo documented/subdomains.
The UFL file, named LinearizedNS.ufl is
####### Navier Stokes formulation with Lagrange multipliers on boundary.
Ppressure = FiniteElement("Lagrange",triangle,1)
#### Velocity P2, Lagrange P2.
Pvelocity = VectorElement("Lagrange",triangle,2)
Plagrange = VectorElement("Lagrange",triangle,2)
#### Velocity P1bubble, Lagrange P1.
#####Works with poor accuracy(oscillations in presure field).#####
#Pbubble = VectorElement("Bubble",triangle,3)
#P1 = VectorElement("Lagrange",triangle,1)
#Pvelocity = P1+Pbubble
#Plagrange = VectorElement("Lagrange",triangle,1)
#### Velocity P1bubble, Lagrange P2.
#####Does not work.######
#Pbubble = VectorElement("Bubble",triangle,3)
#P1 = VectorElement("Lagrange",triangle,1)
#Pvelocity = P1+Pbubble
#Plagrange = VectorElement("Lagrange",triangle,2)
V = MixedElement([Ppressure,Pvelocity,Plagrange])
n = FacetNormal(triangle)
(p, u, l) = TrialFunctions(V)
(q, v, m) = TestFunctions(V)
Re = Constant(triangle)
U = Coefficient(Pvelocity)
U0 = Coefficient(Pvelocity)
Uinflow = Coefficient(Pvelocity)
A = (1/Re*inner(grad(v), grad(u))+1/Re*inner(grad(v), transpose(grad(u))) - div(v)*p - q*div(u))*dx \
+inner(v,grad(U0)*u)*dx + inner(v,grad(u)*U0)*dx -dot(v,l)*ds(1) -dot(m, u)*ds(1) \
-dot(m[0], dot(u,n))*ds(2)- l[0]*dot(v,n)*ds(2)
L = + inner(v,grad(U0)*U0)*dx-dot(m, Uinflow)*ds(1)
increment = dot((U-U0),(U-U0))*dx
forms=[A, L, increment]
Just uncomment the set of elements you want of the three implemented.
The main.cpp program.
#include <dolfin.h>
#include "LinearizedNS.h"
using namespace dolfin;
// Inflow condition.
class PrescribedValue : public Expression
public: PrescribedValue() : Expression(2) {}
void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& x) const{
values[0]= -1.0;
values[1]= 0.0;
// Sub domain for no-slip (everything except inflow and outflow)
class Noslip : public SubDomain
bool inside(const Array<double>& x, bool on_boundary) const
return on_boundary;
// Sub domain for inflow (right)
class Inflow : public SubDomain
bool inside(const Array<double>& x, bool on_boundary) const
return x[0] > 1.0 - DOLFIN_EPS && on_boundary;
// Sub domain for outflow (left)
class Outflow : public SubDomain
bool inside(const Array<double>& x, bool on_boundary) const
return x[0] < DOLFIN_EPS && on_boundary;
int main()
// Read mesh.
Mesh mesh("./dolfin_fine.xml.gz");
// Define paramenters.
double tollerance = 0.0000001;
double max = 10;
double step;
Constant Re(50.0);
// Define subdomains.
Noslip noslip;
Inflow inflow;
Outflow outflow;
// Mark subdomains for boundary conditions.
MeshFunction<std::size_t> sub_domains(mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1);
// Define finite element space.
LinearizedNS::FunctionSpace V(mesh);
// Define function for solution at two iterations.
Function U(V);
Function U0(V);
//// Define forms.
// Bilinear form.
LinearizedNS::Form_A A(V,V);
// Linear form.
LinearizedNS::Form_L L(V);
// Increment form for stop criteria.
LinearizedNS::Form_increment increment(mesh);
// Define matrix and vector.
PETScMatrix K;
PETScVector b;
// Inflow condition.
PrescribedValue vinflow;
//// First step. Stokes.
// Coefficients assigned to forms.
A.Re = Re;
A.U0 = U[1];
A.ds = sub_domains;
L.U0 =U[1];
L.ds = sub_domains;
L.Uinflow = vinflow;
// Assembly of matrix and right hand sise term.
assemble(K, A);
assemble(b, L);
// De singularization of matrix.
// Solution.
solve(K,*U.vector(),b,"lu" );
// Calculation of step.
increment.U = U[1];
increment.U0 = U0[1];
step = assemble(increment);
// Update the solution.
U0 = U;
printf("(U-U0)L2= %e\n", step);
//// Newton iterations.
int iterations = 1;
while (step > tollerance and iterations < max) {
A.U0 = U0[1];
L.U0 =U0[1];
assemble(K, A);
assemble(b, L);
increment.U = U[1];
increment.U0 = U0[1];
step = assemble(increment);
printf("iterations= %i\n", iterations);
printf("(U-U0)L2= %e\n", step);
U0 = U;
iterations = iterations +1;
// Separate functions for plot.
Function u = U[1];
Function p = U[0];
// Save solution in VTK format
File ufile_pvd("velocity.pvd");
ufile_pvd << u;
File pfile_pvd("pressure.pvd");
pfile_pvd << p;
// Plot solution
return 1;
This combination should be stable. Anyway I don't get spurious solutions, but the matrix itself seems wrong. More with the less stable P1-P1bubble-P1 the solution works.
The internal degrees of freedom are put to zero with the ident_zeros() function.
If there is a simpler way to upload examples and codes, I don't know it, sorry.
Thank you very much.