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Optimization in C++ version of FEniCS

0 votes

In the python version of FEniCS, I use the SciPy routines to do my optimizations (e.g., lower and upper bounds, inequality constraints, etc). But if I wrote a C++ version of my code, what libraries would I use to do optimization? Or could I call the same routines but using C++ syntax? Because I don't see any demos in C++ that demonstrate this.

Any help appreciated, thanks

asked Feb 25, 2015 by jychang48 FEniCS Novice (510 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Not really related to fenics, however, one C package that you could use is nlopt.

answered Feb 25, 2015 by cevito FEniCS User (5,550 points)

Thanks, that's sometime i may definitely checkout. Though I am wondering if there are any alternatives within the default installation of fenics. Otherwise I am going to have to bug my HPC admins to install and configure this new software on our cluster
