Hi, as an alternative to approach given by @V_L where the material properties are cell wise constant functions you could also consider the following
# Define domain of individual materials
domain0 = AutoSubDomain(lambda x: x[2] < 0.5 + eps)
domain1 = AutoSubDomain(lambda x: x[2] > 0.5 - eps and x[0] < 0.5 + eps)
domain2 = AutoSubDomain(lambda x: x[2] > 0.5 - eps and x[0] > 0.5 - eps)
# Have one function with tags of domains
domains = CellFunction('size_t', mesh, 0)
domain0.mark(domains, 0)
domain1.mark(domains, 1)
domain2.mark(domains, 2)
# Material parameters E, nu corresponding to domain 0, 1, 2
materials = [(10, 0.3), (4.5, 0.3), (15, 0.4)]
# Get mu lambda from E, nu
materials = map(lambda (E, nu): (Constant(E/(2*(1+nu))),
lmbda0, mu0 = materials[0]
lmbda1, mu1 = materials[1]
lmbda2, mu2 = materials[2]
# Stored strain energy density (compressible neo-Hookean model)
psi0 = (mu0/2)*(Ic - 3) - mu0*ln(J) + (lmbda0/2)*(ln(J))**2
psi1 = (mu1/2)*(Ic - 3) - mu1*ln(J) + (lmbda1/2)*(ln(J))**2
psi2 = (mu2/2)*(Ic - 3) - mu2*ln(J) + (lmbda2/2)*(ln(J))**2
# Total potential energy, each domain with its own strain energy density
dx = Measure('dx')[domains]
Pi = psi0*dx(0) + psi1*dx(1) + psi2*dx(2)
Pi += - dot(B, u)*dx('everywhere') - dot(T, u)*ds
Btw, should the value of $\nu_2$ really be 0.9? Isn't Poisson ratio always supposed to be less then $1/2$? With your given value the Newton solver actually does not converge.