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What else options available to visualize vtk data in matlab style?

0 votes

I'm familiar with matlab to visualize either 2-D or 3-D results in case of results of the lid-driven cavity flow using matlab's quiver() function. But for the vtk-formated data of FEnics, Paraview or Visit seems poor to show proper details and to be able to edit the attributions of the curves, titles, axis labels, etc. So I'm wondering are there any other better tools to achieve this? Many thanks!
enter image description here

asked Oct 22, 2014 by Freewill FEniCS Novice (180 points)
edited Oct 22, 2014 by Freewill

Have you tried matplotlib as explained here?

Thank you, Mirok. It seems to be a secondary development involving transformation of coordinates and others between FEnics and matlibplot. This demo helps a lot.
