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How does one attach files when posting in the FEniCS Q&A forum?

+1 vote

I want to attach a file when posting in this forum, but can't get it to work. Please advise.

asked Jun 6, 2013 by logg FEniCS Expert (11,790 points)
Was this a feature of the built-in Q2A WYSIWYG editor?
I note there are fewer buttons on the Markdown Editor - so it may be
a feature that is not supported. Hopefully there is a workaround around.
Yes, there were more buttons before and the file attachment was located next to or part of the `include image` button. MathJax is more important than file attachment so let's keep the current editor for now and think about whether we can get both.
I don't think it would affect the MathJax, but the code highlighting.
Ah yes, I got confused.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

This is not supported by the Markdown Editor at present.
It will require some JavaScript/PHP hacking to fix.

The only solution for now is to upload your file somewhere else, and provide a link to it.

answered Jun 7, 2013 by chris_richardson FEniCS Expert (31,740 points)
selected Jun 7, 2013 by logg