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Mesh adaptation?

+2 votes


II am constructing a fluid-structure interaction code using FEM and I am using dolfin to construct the 3D mesh with tetrahedral elements. My fluid domain is a cylindrical structure with beam elements (3 node elements) placed at the centre. Due to the fluid-structure interaction, the movement of the structure (beam) will deform the fluid domain.
My question is: is there an adaptation module in python or c# that will allow me to adapt my fluid domain given the displacement of each of the nodes at the beam boundary? My boundary condition at fluid-structure interface is U_f=U_s.

PS. I am not using dolfin's solver. I created my own wave solver, and Beam solver in FE which generates the pressure and displacement at every node. I am not sure if I am being clear in explaining so please let me know if I need to provide more details.

Thank you!

asked Aug 1, 2014 by DavidVillero FEniCS Novice (140 points)

Hi David, what do you mean by 'adapt'? Are you thinking of a moving mesh / ALE approach where you solve for a mesh transformation along with your other variables? Or are you talking about actually recreating your mesh at each timestep to suit your newly deformed beam?

Indeed, I am talking about re-meshing my fluid domain after every time step to suit my newly deformed beam. Now, I am wondering if there is a tool in dolphin that uses an equidistribution principle or a transfinite interpolation principle that recreates the mesh for a given error or based on some convergence criteria.

Thank you for answering,
