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A better way to integrate the gradient along a boundary?

+1 vote

I'm currently integrating the temperature gradient along a boundary by first solving (seems wrong to need a solver) for the gradient of the temperature field and then integrating with Simpson's rule. Is there a cleaner approach with the project I am missing?

I am working in c++, so I have created a ufl file just for calculating the gradient. I've seen some python snippets that do this cleanly with assembling a matrix with 'grad', but I haven't found the c++ equivalent. (I assume its a ufl -> form -> assemble?)

A general way to integrate the gradient over marked facets would be really convenient :)


UFL file for gradient

vector = VectorElement("Lagrange", triangle, 2)
scalar = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle, 2)

q = Coefficient(scalar)  

a = inner(u,w)*dx
L = inner(grad(q),w)*dx

Then I would do a simple solve for grad_q

solve(a_grad == L_grad, grad_q);

With grad_q I would integrate along an edge, in this case the negative x-normal from (1,0) to y=(1,1)

double Qn = 0;
int points = 500;
for(int j = 0; j <= points - 1; j++)
    double y0 = j / (double)points;
    double y1 = (j+1) / (double)points;
    double yab = 0.5*(y0+y1);

    Point pa(x,y0);
    Point pb(x,y1);
    Point pab(x, yab);
    Array<double> values(2);

    grad_q(values, pa);
    fa = -values[0]; // x-component

    grad_q(values, pab);
    fab = -values[0]; // x-component

    (grad_q(values, pb);
    fb = -values[0]; // x-component

    Qn += ((y1-y0)/6.0)*(fa + 4*fab+fb);

This works, but only because the path is well defined and the normal is also well defined. I'm thinking of an unstructured/curved boundary where I would need to integrate along the facets point to point and calculate the normal components as being painful.

If there was a way to integrate a Function (not necessarily gradient) along a marked boundary that would help, unless I am missing a more direct method?

asked May 18, 2014 by Charles FEniCS User (4,220 points)
edited May 20, 2014 by Charles

Please post simple code that illustrates what you're trying to do.

Added, thank you!

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Hi, have a look at this demo. There's also a cpp version.

answered May 20, 2014 by MiroK FEniCS Expert (80,920 points)
selected May 20, 2014 by Charles

Excellent, thank you. And just to confirm, is there a better approach to finding the derivative? I would think I could just apply an operator without the need for a solver?

I can't think of any better(easier) approach. As far as applying grad goes I think there might be some issues. Suppose you have $ f(x) = \sum_{i} F_i \phi_i(x) $ and then you'd apply grad to get $ grad(f)(x) = \sum_{i} F_i grad(\phi_i)(x) $. Now, this vector can be evaluated in the cell interior just fine, but on the boundary it's discontinuous. You could try weighting contributions from connected cells (see here) to get a unique value, but overall project seems more convenient.

Very interesting, and why i've been focusing on the gradient so much (that singularity is making converging on the integral of a boundary's gradient rather painful).

How might I do this in c++?

dp_regular = project(p.dx(0), V)

Some digging, and actually finding your previous answer on projection, it seems to not be possible in c++.

Hi, I am a bit lost. Are you trying to do in cpp what project does in python?

Apparently I am a bit lost as well ;)

Your results hinted that I might solve an issue with the gradient in a corner of my unit cell by using project, so I was trying to find out how I might do that without doing it through ffc/solver. I don't think there is an equivalent in c++ of projecting an expression with UFL terms onto a Function, just interpolating of Expressions with c++ or other Functions. (Is there a way to compile UFL expressions to c++ that can be interpolated? That seems to be whats missing)

I started digging into your weighted gradient matrix to see how I might do that in c++, but I'm not sure how I would assemble this since its just a UFL expression:

dP = assemble(TrialFunction(S).dx(i)*TestFunction(DG)*dx)

Looking into how the weighting works, I think solving for the gradient on a DG space will help me. (So far testing seems okay)
