Can someone explain to me the the difference between the function spaces
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CR', 1)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'RT', 1)
(with mesh
a 3-D mesh)?
Looking at the fenics book, pg 119, it looks as if a RT finite element is defined by four vectors (one on each face). To me this seems to be equivalent to defining three scalar values on each face, i.e. using sets of 3 CR elements.
On the other hand, the dimension for RT in 3-D is listed as 4 (just like CR) rather than 3x4=12. But if I'm just setting one scalar value per face, how is that different from using CR? Does the interpretation of the scalar as a normal component of some vector really make a difference?
(I don't have a particular problem in mind, this is just a question of general understanding).