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Electromagnetic waveguide example from the FEniCS book

+1 vote

Hi folks,

I am trying to code the EM waveguide example from the section 34 of the FEniCS book. Here is the python code written so far. Unfortunately, I am puzzled by the way to assemble the system and apply the BCS using PETscMatrix and SLEPcEigenSolver. Any hints ?

from dolfin import *

width, height = 1, 0.5

mesh = RectangleMesh(0, 0, width, height, 8, 4, "right")

transverse_order, axial_order = 2, 1

V_N = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", transverse_order)
V_L = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", axial_order)

combined_space = V_N * V_L

(N_i, L_i) = TestFunctions(combined_space)
(N_j, L_j) = TrialFunctions(combined_space)

class HalfLoadedDielectric(Expression):
    def eval(self, values, x):
        if x[1] < 0.25:
            values[0] = 4.0
            values[0] = 1.0;

e_r = HalfLoadedDielectric()
one_over_u_r = Expression("1.0") # no magnetic material

k_o_squared = Expression("4*pi*pi*nu*nu*1e-4/9", nu=0.0) # nu is given in MHz

def curl_t(w):
    return Dx(w[1],0)-Dx(w[0],1)

s_tt = one_over_u_r*dot(curl_t(N_i), curl_t(N_j))
t_tt = e_r*dot(N_i, N_j)

s_zz = one_over_u_r*dot(grad(L_i), grad(L_j))
t_zz = e_r*L_i*L_j

b_tt = one_over_u_r*dot(N_i, N_j)
b_tz = one_over_u_r*dot(N_i, grad(L_j))
b_zt = one_over_u_r*dot(grad(L_i), N_j)

a_tt = s_tt - k_o_squared*t_tt
b_zz = s_zz - k_o_squared*t_zz

class ElectricWalls(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary

zero = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # a vector constant value

dirichlet_bc = DirichletBC(combined_space, zero, ElectricWalls())

# Now assemble the matrices
# Form the system
# Apply the dirichlet_bc
# plot the tranverse and longitudinal part

f = Function(combined_space, e)
(transverse, axial) = f.split()
asked Feb 11, 2014 by jcharles FEniCS Novice (130 points)
edited Feb 28, 2014 by jcharles

2 Answers

+2 votes

Hello jcharles !!

I am trying to do the same work as you currently !!!

Perhaps it will help you, I have find the real work of Evan:

Do you have completed this work without error?

answered Mar 28, 2014 by Shizu FEniCS Novice (350 points)

Hello Shizu, jcharles,

The pdf link doesn't exist anymore. Here is a direct link to Evan Lezar's disseration:

Also, the FEniCS code can be found on page 104 of his dissertation. I will try it out soon. Hope it works :D

+1 vote


I'm working on the the same topic and I've found some code at
It doesn't work in my FEnICS build but maybe it helps



answered Dec 22, 2014 by CarlosRevillas FEniCS Novice (170 points)