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problem with rank of form terms ...

+1 vote

I was trying to test an electrostatic solver with the mixed method described in section 2.2.2 of the FEniCS Book, hoping that it would just be a cut-and-paste job, but I have run into an error that I can't seem to track down:

ufl.log.UFLException: All terms in form must have same rank.

I am hoping that it is something simple that I have just messed up in the "a" Form in the code below ...

I am loading meshes from files I create externally, and have pared them down to the point where they aren't too large. I have also posted a smaller version of the code that also produces the error (data follows the code):

# Construct Mesh, FunctionSpace #
mesh = Mesh("test.xml.gz")
BDM  = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 1)
DG   = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
W    = BDM * DG

# Boundary Conditions #
mvc          = MeshValueCollection("size_t", mesh, "test_facets.xml.gz")
dirichlet_f  = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mvc)
dirichlet_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0.)), dirichlet_f, 3)

# Dielectric Materials #
epsilon   = Function(DG)
materials = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, "test_cells.xml.gz")
helper    = numpy.asarray(materials.array(), dtype=numpy.int32) - 1
dm        = DG.dofmap()
for cell in cells(mesh):
  helper[dm.cell_dofs(cell.index())] = materials[cell] - 1
dielectrics = (2.2, 5., 10.)
epsilon.vector()[:] = numpy.choose(helper, dielectrics)

# Define PDE #
(electric_field, voltage) = TrialFunctions(W)
(test1, test2)            = TestFunctions(W)

r = Expression("x[1]") # the radial coordinate is the y coordinate
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
# ds = Measure("ds")[dirichlet_f]
a = (dot(test1, electric_field + nabla_grad(voltage)) - \
     epsilon*dot(nabla_grad(test2), electric_field))*r*dx + \
     epsilon*dot(test1, n)*ds(1)

L = Constant(0.0)*test2*dx

w = Function(W)
solve(a == L, w, dirichlet_bc)
(electric_field, voltage) = w.split()

# Save solution in VTK format
f = File("problem.pvd")

f << (voltage, 0.)
f << (electric_field, 0.)

plot(voltage, interactive=True)

File 1/3 "test.xml.gz" 46 lines of text (without the gzip, obviously):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dolfin xmlns:dolfin="">
  <mesh celltype="triangle" dim="2">
    <cells size="21">
      <triangle index="0" v0="0" v1="1" v2="2" />
      <triangle index="1" v0="1" v1="3" v2="4" />
      <triangle index="2" v0="1" v1="2" v2="5" />
      <triangle index="3" v0="0" v1="4" v2="6" />
      <triangle index="4" v0="3" v1="5" v2="7" />
      <triangle index="5" v0="1" v1="3" v2="5" />
      <triangle index="6" v0="0" v1="1" v2="4" />
      <triangle index="7" v0="8" v1="9" v2="10" />
      <triangle index="8" v0="5" v1="7" v2="11" />
      <triangle index="9" v0="9" v1="10" v2="12" />
      <triangle index="10" v0="2" v1="5" v2="12" />
      <triangle index="11" v0="5" v1="11" v2="12" />
      <triangle index="12" v0="2" v1="9" v2="12" />
      <triangle index="13" v0="10" v1="11" v2="12" />
      <triangle index="14" v0="0" v1="13" v2="14" />
      <triangle index="15" v0="2" v1="9" v2="13" />
      <triangle index="16" v0="8" v1="9" v2="15" />
      <triangle index="17" v0="9" v1="13" v2="15" />
      <triangle index="18" v0="0" v1="6" v2="14" />
      <triangle index="19" v0="0" v1="2" v2="13" />
      <triangle index="20" v0="13" v1="14" v2="15" />
    <vertices size="16">
      <vertex index="0" x="2.50000000e+00" y="0.00000000e+00" />
      <vertex index="1" x="1.18969262e+00" y="2.06060806e+00" />
      <vertex index="2" x="0.00000000e+00" y="0.00000000e+00" />
      <vertex index="3" x="8.68240888e-01" y="4.92403877e+00" />
      <vertex index="4" x="3.83022222e+00" y="3.21393805e+00" />
      <vertex index="5" x="-1.25000000e+00" y="2.16506351e+00" />
      <vertex index="6" x="5.00000000e+00" y="0.00000000e+00" />
      <vertex index="7" x="-2.50000000e+00" y="4.33012702e+00" />
      <vertex index="8" x="-2.50000000e+00" y="-4.33012702e+00" />
      <vertex index="9" x="-1.25000000e+00" y="-2.16506351e+00" />
      <vertex index="10" x="-4.69846310e+00" y="-1.71010072e+00" />
      <vertex index="11" x="-4.69846310e+00" y="1.71010072e+00" />
      <vertex index="12" x="-2.37938524e+00" y="-3.10862447e-16" />
      <vertex index="13" x="1.18969262e+00" y="-2.06060806e+00" />
      <vertex index="14" x="3.83022222e+00" y="-3.21393805e+00" />
      <vertex index="15" x="8.68240888e-01" y="-4.92403877e+00" />

File 2/3 "test_facets.xml.gz" 14 lines of text

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dolfin xmlns:dolfin="">
  <mesh_value_collection name="boundary_markers" type="uint" dim="1" size="9">
    <value cell_index="16" local_entity="1" value="3" />
    <value cell_index="18" local_entity="0" value="3" />
    <value cell_index="13" local_entity="2" value="2" />
    <value cell_index="7" local_entity="1" value="2" />
    <value cell_index="3" local_entity="0" value="1" />
    <value cell_index="1" local_entity="0" value="1" />
    <value cell_index="8" local_entity="0" value="2" />
    <value cell_index="4" local_entity="1" value="1" />
    <value cell_index="20" local_entity="0" value="3" />

File 3/3 "test_cells.xml.gz" 28 lines of text

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dolfin xmlns:dolfin="">
    <mesh_value_collection name="cells" type="uint" dim="2" size="21">
      <value cell_index="0" local_entity="0" value="1" />
      <value cell_index="1" local_entity="0" value="1" />
      <value cell_index="2" local_entity="0" value="1" />
      <value cell_index="3" local_entity="0" value="1" />
      <value cell_index="4" local_entity="0" value="1" />
      <value cell_index="5" local_entity="0" value="1" />
      <value cell_index="6" local_entity="0" value="1" />
      <value cell_index="7" local_entity="0" value="2" />
      <value cell_index="8" local_entity="0" value="2" />
      <value cell_index="9" local_entity="0" value="2" />
      <value cell_index="10" local_entity="0" value="2" />
      <value cell_index="11" local_entity="0" value="2" />
      <value cell_index="12" local_entity="0" value="2" />
      <value cell_index="13" local_entity="0" value="2" />
      <value cell_index="14" local_entity="0" value="3" />
      <value cell_index="15" local_entity="0" value="3" />
      <value cell_index="16" local_entity="0" value="3" />
      <value cell_index="17" local_entity="0" value="3" />
      <value cell_index="18" local_entity="0" value="3" />
      <value cell_index="19" local_entity="0" value="3" />
      <value cell_index="20" local_entity="0" value="3" />
asked Jan 24, 2014 by timm FEniCS User (2,100 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Hi, the surface term in a contains no trial function and should go into the linear form L

L = Constant(0.0)*test2*dx + dot(test1, n)*ds(1)
answered Jan 24, 2014 by MiroK FEniCS Expert (80,920 points)
selected Jan 27, 2014 by timm

Just as an additional remark: one can also simply write the weak form as

F = (dot(test1, electric_field + nabla_grad(voltage)) - \
   epsilon*dot(nabla_grad(test2), electric_field))*r*dx + \
   epsilon*dot(test1, n)*ds(1) - L = Constant(0.0)*test2*dx

and let lhs and rhs do the sorting:

a = lhs(F)
L = rhs(F)

Thanks to both of you! I got that error to go away, and learned something new ...
