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Extracting node points from subdomain

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I'm trying to compute a time dependent expression object in a domain that is divided into two subdomains. After running the program, I would like to extract the values of the solution at the node points in the first subdomain. I have a code under that tries to implement this, but I end up with an array of size 3 no matter how fine my mesh is.

The code is given below. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

from dolfin import *
import math as mt # size of Mesh L = 1 h = 1 l = 39 m = 39 # Mesh, functionspace, subdomains mesh = RectangleMesh(0,0,L,h,l,m) cf = CellFunction("size_t", mesh, 0) V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1) o2 = AutoSubDomain(lambda x: x[0] > 0.5) o2.mark(cf,1) # Constants omega = 10 c1 = 1 lk = mt.pi/(2*h) kk = mt.sqrt(omega**2/c1**2 - lk**2) # Time parameters dt = 0.1 T = 10 t = 0 # Exact solution u_e = Expression("sin(%s*t - %s*x[0])*cos(%s*x[1])"% (omega, kk, lk), t=t) # Main loop and plot u_p = Function(V) while t <= 10: begin("Computing at time t=%g" % t) u_e.t = t u_p.assign(interpolate(u_e, V)) plot(u_p, rescale=False) end() t += dt # Extract solution array from domain 1 for cell in cells(mesh): i = cell.index() c = cf[i] if c == 1: dofs = V.dofmap().cell_dofs(i) vals = u_p.vector()[dofs] print vals.array()
asked Jan 14, 2014 by danieljt FEniCS Novice (410 points)
edited Jan 14, 2014 by danieljt

1 Answer

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Best answer

Hi, the way you wrote the code, you will end up with vals pointing to the values at cell_dofs of the last cell in the cells(mesh) iterator. The length of vals is 3 since you are using cG1 elements on triangles. You are not adding vals to some longer array, but always pointing it to something else! As a suggestion, in the code below the values of function in the domain of interest are used to build a dictionary and in the rest of the domain the values are set to meaningless values so you can clearly distinguish the two in the plot.

u_pv = u_p.vector()                                                              
vals = {}                                                                        
for cell in cells(mesh):                                                         
    i = cell.index()                                                             
    c = cf[i]                                                                    
    dofs = V.dofmap().cell_dofs(i)                                               
    if c == 0: # set domain0 values to something unphysical                      
      u_pv[dofs] = -1.5                                                          
      vals[i] = u_pv.array()[dofs]                                               

print vals                                                                       
plot(u_p, interactive=True)    
answered Jan 14, 2014 by MiroK FEniCS Expert (80,920 points)
selected Jan 14, 2014 by danieljt

Thank you MiroK. That solved my problem!
