Hi everyone,
I searched in vain for good questions/answers to the following question so let me ask it here.
In my own research I study the structure of solution sets to certain finite-dimensional algebraic problems, often in continuum mechanical problems, and typically this is done using other software packages. This type of study is often known as continuation and bifurcation analysis. In order to do so, I need the finite-dimensional description of the problems as a function handle, f(unknowns,parameters).
While it is possible to transfer the operator for linear problems, i.e., Au=b; I was wondering if there is way of transferring the discrete problems constructed by FEniCS, i.e., the nonlinear functions, preferably such as to obtain f(unknowns,parameters)=0
f:R^n \times R^k \rightarrow R^n.
Either way thanks for checking out my question.
Kinds Regards,