I would like to extract a surface of a 3D Function to a 2D .xml or .pvd file.
I have a FacetFunction which defines the surfaces.
I could create a 2D mesh from the 3D mesh and create a "dof_map" like structure to relate the 3D mesh indices to 2D mesh indices, but this is quite time consuming due to parsing .xml files.
Here's the source code for converting a 3D mesh to 2D (time consuming due to in1d ftn):
import re
from pylab import *
from dolfin import *
# parse the mesh file :
grid = open('mesh.xml', 'r')
newGrid = open('bed.xml', 'w')
sv = '^.*index="([0-9]+)"\sx="(-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+e?[+-]?[0-9]+)"' + \
'\sy="(-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+e?[+-]?[0-9]+)"' + \
pv = re.compile(sv)
sc = '^.*tetrahedron\sindex="([0-9]+)"' + \
'\sv0="([0-9]+)"' + \
'\sv1="([0-9]+)"' + \
'\sv2="([0-9]+)"' + \
pc = re.compile(sc)
ci = [] # cell index
vi = [] # vertex index
vx = [] # vertex x coordinate
vy = [] # vertex y coordinate
vz = [] # vertex z coordinate
print "<::::::::PARSING THE 3D XML FILE::::::::>"
for l in grid.readlines():
mrv = pv.match(l)
mrc = pc.match(l)
if mrv != None:
if mrc != None:
v0 = int(mrc.group(1))
v1 = int(mrc.group(2))
v2 = int(mrc.group(3))
v3 = int(mrc.group(4))
v4 = int(mrc.group(5))
ci.append([v0, v1, v2, v3, v4])
if mrc == None and mrv == None:
print "DATA NOT MATCHED :\t", l[:-1]
print "::::END OF GRID FILE::::"
# convert to array (more efficient) :
ci = array(ci) # cell index
vi = array(vi) # vertex index
vx = array(vx) # vertex x coordinate
vy = array(vy) # vertex y coordinate
vz = array(vz) # vertex z coordinate
# formulate triangles :
# throw out parts that are not on the bed :
bed = where(vz == 0)[0]
n = len(bed)
vi = vi[bed]
vx = vx[bed]
vy = vy[bed]
vz = vz[bed]
ta = [] # triangles, values are indices to vertices
ti = [] # cell index, need to make this cell the same as 3D
# iterate though each cell and find any cell with exactly 3 matching vertices
# on the surface. Then append a list of each vertex index that matches to the
# array of triangles.
print "<::::::::FORMULATING TRIANGLES::::::::>"
for c in ci:
k = in1d(vi, c[1:])
if sum(k) == 3:
ta.append(append(c[0], vi[k]))
print "::::FINISHED::::"
ta = array(ta)
m = len(ta)
# create the new 2D .xml file :
print "<::::::::WRITING NEW 2D XML::::::::>"
newGrid.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n\n' + \
'<dolfin xmlns:dolfin="http://www.fenicsproject.org">\n' + \
' <mesh celltype="triangle" dim="2">\n' + \
' <vertices size="%i">\n' % n)
for i,x,y,z in zip(vi,vx,vy,vz):
newGrid.write(' <vertex index="%i" x="%f" y="%f" z="%f"/>\n'
% (i,x,y,z))
newGrid.write(' </vertices>\n' + \
' <cells size="%i">\n' % m)
for i,v0,v1,v2 in ta:
newGrid.write(' <triangle index="%i" v0="%i" v1="%i" v2="%i"/>\n'
% (i,v0,v1,v2))
newGrid.write(' </cells>\n' + \
' </mesh>\n' + \
print "::::FINISHED::::"
Alternatively, I could:
1. Iterate through each vertex on the 3D mesh
2. Determine if it is on the surface I desire
3. If it's on the surface, add its indices and coordinates to a new data structure
4. Interpolate off of this new data structure onto the 2D surface, correcting for edge errors.
Does anyone have a better way?
Here I have asked this previous question which was not worded properly.