If the XML file contains the MeshValueCollection in the 'right' format, then you can load in as a mesh function in python:
mvc = MeshValueCollection("size_t", mesh, "test_mesh_bcs.xml", 1)
Then you need convert to mesh function. The problem is how to find the global index of facets based on the local index.
mvc.values() # this would return a dictionary to indicate the local index and values
I know there is function in DOLFIN to find the connection between local index and global index for vertices in the GENERICDOFMAP class, but i do not know if there exists such a function to find the map between local index and global one for facets.
But I think you can find that through the following way: (mvs.values() contains the cell index and local index in that cell)
Based on the cell index, find the connectivity of the cell with the facets. Then with that connectivity, we get the global index of facets for each local one
Create the mesh function on facets and then we just need to assignment the corresponding value to finish the construction of the mesh function you want.
Hope it is not a mess. And if anyone better way to find the connection between local and global index for facets, that would be great and be beneficial to me also.