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Coupling two scalar fields yielding in a Dirichilet BC expecting a vector function.

0 votes

Dear all,
I have been trying to solve the following coupled problem:

enter image description here

T is the temperature, P is the pressure, I am trying to solve in 1D first.

I have a robin boundary condition for both boundaries at the sides for pressure.
For the temperature I have a Dirichilet boundary condition and a Robin condition at the opposite side.
However I have 2 major doubts. The first one is that I am trying to define the function space for my two scalar functions:

P1 = FiniteElement('P', interval , 1)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, MixedElement([P1,P1]))
u = Function(V)

However, when trying to define the Dirichilet Boundary Condition,

T_D = Expression('t + 120.0', degree=2, t=0)
bcl_T = 'near(x[0],0)'
bc = DirichletBC(V, T_D, bcl_T)

I get the following error:

*** Error:   Unable to create Dirichlet boundary condition.
*** Reason:  Expecting a vector-valued boundary value but given function is scalar.
*** Where:   This error was encountered inside DirichletBC.cpp.

I think I don't understand what I am doing with a MixedElement, I thought I would have a function space for both my scalar functions (Temperature T and Pressure P).

I am also in doubt of how to develop the variational formulation.
I have put equations 1 and 2 in their weak form, I supose I have to use different test functions and sum them.
As they are nonlinear, I would solve F == 0, where F would be the sum of both weak forms of equations 1 and 2.
Am I right?

Thank you for your attention, evryone here is really helpful.
All the best, Murilo.

asked Jun 1, 2017 by MuriloMoreira FEniCS Novice (490 points)
edited Jun 1, 2017 by MuriloMoreira

What is T_D? You can specify separate boundary conditions for T and P by using V.sub(0)and V.sub(1). If T_D is a scalar, try to make it into a vector, e.g T_D = Constant((T0, P0))

Dear Fisberg, sorry I am an idiot and left one of the most important parts out.
As I add to the question, T_D is an expression that I use to simulate a heating on this side. t is the time that I update, on my loop.

T_D = Expression('t + 120.0', degree=2, t=0)

Do you think I can make this function a vector?

Thank you for your quick response and sorry for the lack of attention on my question.
All the best, Murilo.

Yes, you should make this function into a vector, e.g

T_D = Expression(('expression for T', 'expression for P'), degree=2, t = 0)

Nice! But in case I don't have a expression for P (I mean, I don't want a Dirichilet Boundary at this position) do you know how should I proceed?
Thank you for your time!

Then you substitute V with V.sub(0) (or V.sub(1)depending on wether T is in the first or second subspace)

Dear Finsberg,
I tried to implement and the answer was easier then I thought!
As you said, using the V.sub(0) as the space for the Dirichlet boundary condition was enough to solve the problem!
Thank you very much for your help! However, now I am facing a new issue.
I am trying to interpolate a constant as a initial condition for my solution, eg. initial temperature f 20. I am trying this:

T_0 = Constant('20')
T_n = interpolate(T_0, V(0)) 

However I got this error:

*** Error: Unable to create function.
*** Reason: Cannot be create from subspace. Consider collapsing function space.

Do you have any idea of how to solve this issue?
Thank you very much for all your help!

After a quick search I found the answer!
Significance of collapsing
I will not close yet since I will wait to see if anybody can help with the functional doubts.
Thank you!

1 Answer

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Best answer

Restrict boundary condition to a subspace:

bc = DirichletBC(V.sub(0), T_D, bcl_T)

Interpolate a constant into a subspace:

T_n = interpolate(T_0, V.sub(0).collapse())
answered Jun 2, 2017 by finsberg FEniCS User (2,360 points)
selected Jun 2, 2017 by MuriloMoreira

Dear finsberg,
Perfect! Now everybody with similar doubts can understand how to make it right.
Thank you!
All the best, Murilo.
