I would like to solve a second order hyperbolic equation using Newmark method for the time integration on a 2D domain.
I would like to save both the solution and its second derivative (both .csv and .pvd files). How can I do this?
- For the .csv I get an error saying that u1 has no attribute 'vector' as it is a sum of different objects.
- For the .pvd, do I need to project the solution over the functionspace? I still get troubles when I open the time series in paraview.
Here is the code I'm using:
from dolfin import *
from mshr import *
import numpy as np
# Create mesh
size = 10
ylim = pi
pdim = 2
domain = Rectangle(Point(0., 0.), Point(ylim, ylim))
mesh = generate_mesh(domain,size)
# Newmark Constants
beta_ = 0.35
gamma_ = 0.5
# Time Constants
dt = 1e-5
T = 5e-5
t = 0.
# Boundaries
class Horizontal(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary and ((abs(x[1] - 0.) < DOLFIN_EPS) or (abs(x[1] - ylim) < DOLFIN_EPS))
class Vertical(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary and ((abs(x[0] - 0.) < DOLFIN_EPS) or (abs(x[0] - ylim) < DOLFIN_EPS))
boundaries = FacetFunction("size_t", mesh, 0)
Horizontal().mark(boundaries, 1)
Vertical().mark(boundaries, 2)
# Define Function space, trial and test functions
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', pdim)
a, phi = TrialFunction(V), TestFunction(V)
# Define Dirichlet BC
bcV = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0.), boundaries, 2)
# Fields from previous time step (displacement, velocity, acceleration)
u0IC = Expression('sin(x[0])', degree = pdim)
v0IC = Expression('-sin(x[0])', degree = pdim)
u0 = interpolate(u0IC, V)
v0 = interpolate(v0IC, V)
# Define time-dependent source
c = Constant(0.2) # velocity
source = Expression('( sin(x[0])/(1.+t) + (2.*sin(x[0]))/( pow(c,2)*(pow(1.+t,3)) ) )', c = c, t = t, degree = pdim)
# Blocks definition
def k_block(value):
return inner(grad(value),grad(phi)) * dx
m = 1/pow(c,2) * a * phi * dx
f = source * phi * dx
# Assemble left hand side
A = assemble(m + beta_*pow(dt,2)*k_block(a))
# Assemble right hand side
b0 = assemble(f-k_block(u0))
# Apply BC
# Compute a0
a0 = Function(V)
solve (A,a0.vector(),b0)
# Save initial displacement (actually pressure here) and acceleration
vtk_file_a = File("results/p"+str(pdim)+"_"+str(size)+"_acc.pvd")
#vtk_file_a << a0
# vtk_file_u = File("results/p"+str(pdim)+"_"+str(size)+"_displacement.pvd")
# vtk_file_u << u0
# Define right hand side in general (Newmark method)
L = f - (k_block(u0) + dt*k_block(v0) + pow(dt,2)*(0.5-beta_)*k_block(a0))
# Initialize a1
a1 = Function(V)
# Time loop
while t <= T:
# Update time
t += dt
print "t="+str(t)
# Update the source that is time depedent and save it
source.t = t
# Assemble the RHS & apply BCs
b = assemble(L)
# Solve system for displacement
solve(A, a1.vector(), b)
# Newmark method to compute displacement and velocity
u1 = u0 + dt*v0 + pow(dt,2)*((0.5-beta_)*a0 + beta_*a1)
v1 = v0 + dt*((1-gamma_)*a0 + gamma_*a1)
# Save solution to VTK format
vtk_file_a << a1
# vtk_file_u << project(u1,V)
# Update solution, velocity and acceleration:
X = V.tabulate_dof_coordinates()
X.resize((V.dim(), 2))
x = X[:,0]
y = X[:,1]
a_values = a1.vector().array()
u_values = u1.vector().array()
np.savetxt("ex_res/a_p"+str(pdim)+"_"+str(size)+".csv", np.c_[x, y, a_values], delimiter=",")
np.savetxt("ex_res/u_p"+str(pdim)+"_"+str(size)+".csv", np.c_[x, y, u_values], delimiter=",")