from dolfin import *
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(32, 32)
Mh = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 2)
Vh = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 2)
t = 0.0
THETA = 0.05
U_exat = Expression(["THETAexp(-t)pow(x[0],2)pow((1-x[0]),2)(2x[1]pow((1-x[1]),2)-2pow(x[1],2)(1-x[1]))","-THETAexp(-t)pow(x[1],2)pow((1-x[1]),2)(2x[0]pow((1-x[0]),2)-2pow(x[0],2)(1-x[0]))"],THETA=THETA,t=0.0)
f = Expression("pow(x[0],2)pow((1-x[0]),2)(2x[1]pow((1-x[1]),2)-2pow(x[1],2)(1-x[1]))")
U_exat_pro = project(U_exat, Vh)
g = Expression("0")
p = TrialFunction(Mh)
q = TestFunction(Mh)
F = inner(grad(p), grad(q))dx + inner(f,q)dx + gqds + 1e-12pq*dx
a = lhs(F)
L = rhs(F)
rho = Function(Mh)
solve(a == L, rho)
I find the different source type: div(u) and f, give different results.
Namely, substitute F with the form as follows,
F = inner(grad(p), grad(q))dx + inner(div(U_exat_pro),q)dx + gqds + 1e-12pq*dx
1, The source is f, the solution obeys the boundary condition
2, The source is div(u), the solution does not obey the boundary condition
Can you tell me why ????
Thanks so much.