Hello everyone,
Please consider my issue:
In a first file, i save a mesh with the format HDF5 (the code uses MPI)
hdf = HDF5File(mesh_phase_A.mpi_comm(), 'mesh_A.h5', "w")
hdf.write(mesh_phase_A, "mesh")
In a second file (with MPI), i load the mesh
mesh_partitioned = dolfin.Mesh()
hdf5 = dolfin.HDF5File(dolfin.mpi_comm_world(), 'mesh_A.h5, 'r')
hdf5.read(mesh_partitioned, '/mesh', False)
The mesh is paritioned between all the process with this syntax.
I would like also to have the mesh non-partitioned.
If the mesh to be loaded was in a xml format, i could have done simply:
if rank_process==0:
mesh_nonpartitioned = Mesh(mpi_comm_self(),'mesh_A.xml.gz')
Then: what is the good syntax to import (in a MPI program) a mesh in a HDF5 format, without partition it ?