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How to get permission to clone fenics remote git repository?

+1 vote

I want to install FEniCS from source as explained in the "Building FEniCS from source" section in the following link. I am using a supercomputer on my campus, do not have super user privileges (no sudo) and am not permitted to use docker.

When I run the line below on a linux command line I get the error, "Permission denied (publickey)."

git clone

I have git cloned remote repositories from other sources before. Perhaps I need to get some other sort of permission from FEniCS administrators? How would I get that permission?

asked Apr 20, 2017 by aldenpack FEniCS User (1,450 points)

did you try
git clone

That worked. I didn't realize I needed a bitbucketid to do this.

You don't need a bitbucket id, simply use

git clone

Perhaps it would be beneficial to add a section on the link I originally posted for users without admin privileges? I personally did not find this solution intuitive and others may not as well.

Thank you for your help!

I still have an issue with permissions trying to follow the instructions on my initial link.

In the fiat directory when I run

pip install .

I get the error

error: could not create '/apps/python/2.7.5/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy': Permission denied

I seem to run into the same issue with not having admin privileges. Does anyone know where I can learn how to install these files without admin privileges?

pip install --user

I think it would be beneficial if you read about UNIX system permissions and how to install things to your home folder. Otherwise contact your system administrator for advice.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Typically you won't have the ability to assign ssh keys when you don't have admin privileges on a system. You can use the secure http interface instead. E.g:

git clone

Edit: See johannr's comment above if you don't want to use your bitbucket id.

answered Apr 20, 2017 by nate FEniCS Expert (17,050 points)
edited Apr 21, 2017 by nate