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Plane Stress Problem

0 votes


I am learning to use Fenics and after completing the basic tutorials, I am trying to solve a plane stress problem. After searching for some clues in this forum, I can now make it work, but with a wrong solution when comparing to an analytical solution.

The test case is a cantilever beam with a constant distributed load on the top. The analytical solution is known.

Thanks for your help !

My actual code:


import numpy as np
from  dolfin import *

def main():

    # Length, heigth and width
    L = 1.0
    H = 0.1
    W = 0.01

    # Number of divisions 
    NX = 100
    NY = 10

    # Young modulus. Null Poisson in order to compare to the analytical solution (beam)
    Ex = 210.0E9
    nu = 0.0

    # Distributed load (N/m)
    q = -100.0
    T = Constant((0.0,q))

    # Analytical solution
    I = (W*H**3)/12.0
    delta_max = (q*L**4)/(8.0*Ex*I)

    # Mesh 
    mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(L, H), NX, NY, "right/left")

    Degree = 1
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", Degree, dim=2)
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)

    # Constitutive relation for the Plane Stress case
    c1 = Ex/(1.0-nu**2.0)
    c2 = (1.0-nu)/2.0
    C_numpy = c1* np.array([[1.0 ,  nu   , 0.0],
                           [ nu  ,  1.0  , 0.0],
                           [0.0  ,  0.0  , c2 ]])
    C = as_matrix(C_numpy)

    # Dirichlet boundary conditions
    def Engaste(x, on_boundary):
        tol = 1E-14
        return on_boundary and abs(x[0]-0.0) < tol

    bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), Engaste)

    # Natural boundary condition
    boundary_markers = FacetFunction('size_t', mesh)

    ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundary_markers)

    class Face_Superior(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            tol = 1E-14 
            return on_boundary and near(x[1], H, tol) 

    by = Face_Superior()
    by.mark(boundary_markers, 0)

    # Strain - Voigt notation 
    def eps(u):
        """ Returns a vector of strains of size (3,1) in the Voigt notation
        layout {eps_xx, eps_yy, gamma_xy} where gamma_xy = 2*eps_xy"""
        return as_vector([u[i].dx(i) for i in range(2)] +
                         [u[i].dx(j) + u[j].dx(i) for (i,j) in [(0,1)]])

    # Equilibrium problem
    LHS = W*inner(eps(u), C*eps(v))*dx
    RHS = dot(T, v)*ds(0)

    # Solution
    U = Function(V)
    problema = LinearVariationalProblem(LHS, RHS, U, bcs=bc)
    solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problema)
    solver.parameters["symmetric"] = True

    print("Numerical solution: ", U( (L, 0.0) ) , " analytical solution: ", delta_max)

if __name__ == "__main__":
asked Apr 4, 2017 by Lenz FEniCS Novice (120 points)

Please note that Voight notation is used only for computation issues. As that is done automatically by fenics, you should formulate the problem in a more classical setting. I found this thread particularly useful. Please try to make things clearer, as it might just be a problem of ordering:
