I have two contiguous meshes and I would like to interpolate a function from one mesh to another, after having moved them with ALE.move. However, I get the following error using interpolate :
Error: Unable to create mesh entity.
Reason: Mesh entity index -1 out of range [0, 211] for entity of dimension 2.
Where: This error was encountered inside MeshEntity.cpp.
Process: 0
Here is a minimal exemple :
from dolfin import *
from mshr import *
N = 10
xmin,xmax = 0.,1.
ymin,ymax = 0.,1.
xc = 0.5
length = 0.6
radius = 0.1
domain1_vertices = [Point(xmin,ymin), Point(xc-radius,ymin), Point(xc-radius,length), Point(xc+radius,length), Point(xc+radius,ymin),Point(xmax,ymin), Point(xmax,ymax), Point(xmin,ymax)]
domain1 = Polygon(domain1_vertices)
domain2_vertices = [Point(xc-radius,ymin), Point(xc+radius,ymin), Point(xc+radius,length), Point(xc-radius,length)]
domain2 = Polygon(domain2_vertices)
mesh1 = generate_mesh(domain1,N)
mesh2 = generate_mesh(domain2,N)
V2 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh2,"Lagrange",1)
V1 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh1,"Lagrange",1)
f = Expression(("scale*x[0]","scale*x[1]"),scale=1.,degree=1)
f1 = project(f,V1)
d = Expression(("scale*x[1]","0."),scale=0.1,degree=1)
d2 = project(d,V2)
d1 = project(d,V1)
f2 = interpolate(f1,V2)
The strange thing is that, if I define the expression f and project it directly on the moved mesh, it works fine.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,