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Is there a method for automatically calculating a time step

0 votes


I want to implement a nonlinear-variational time-dependent problem.
For time stepping I currently do

// Time-stepping
        dolfin::Progress p("Time-stepping");
        while (t < T) {
            // Assemble vector and apply boundary conditions
            assemble(b, L);
            // bc.apply(b);

            // Solve the linear system (re-use the already factorized matrix A)
            lu.solve(u->vector()), b);

            L.u0 = u;

            // Move to next interval
            p = t / T;
            t += dt;

Is there any possibility to use adaptive time-stepping or calculate the maximum time-step to reach a certain tolerance for a norm ||u_t - u_t+1|| < tol?

asked Mar 15, 2017 by Pama328 FEniCS Novice (480 points)
edited Mar 17, 2017 by Pama328