I for solved the problem of the propagation of the crack where I have a rectangular field with a circle.
I must have a displacement imposed on the circle. I have the following code for BC which I must change to carry out this but I am new with the fenics. Any help would be appreciated much.
def Borbas(x, on_boundary)
return near(x[1],0.)
def Borhaut(x, on_boundary)
return near(x[1],120.)
bc_ub1 = DirichletBC(V_u.sub(0), Constant(0.), Borbas)
bc_ub2 = DirichletBC(V_u.sub(1), Constant(0.), Borbas)
bc_ub3 = DirichletBC(V_u.sub(1,), Ut, Borhaut)