When using DG, you always need to consider the "dS" terms, which represents the integrating over interior facets.
Considering this example, as mentioned on the other answer, your weak formulation will look somehow like this (i haven't tested it, so, there may be a problem still.. please double check...):
Rm = inner(grad(w),grad(m_))*dx + inner(jump(m_, n), jump(w, n))*dS - dot(avg(grad(m_)), jump(w, n))*dS - dot(jump(m_, n), avg(grad(w)))*dS
Remember that you will also have to define n:
n = FacetNormal(mesh)
More useful info here and specially here (equations 3.3).
Equation 3.3:
$$\sum_{K\in\mathcal{T}_h}\int_{\partial K} q_K \cdot n_K \phi_K\,ds=\int_\Gamma [q] \cdot {\phi}\,ds + \int_{\Gamma^0} {q} \cdot [\phi]\,ds$$
$$ q= TrialFunction $$
$$ \phi = TestFunction $$