Does anybody know how to set Lonestar 5 for running FEniCS codes?
Hi Sapenaci,
On the TACC machines there is a working installation of FEniCS 1.6 on Stampede (if you have a bank on that machine).
If you succeed in installing FEniCS on Lonestar, please let me know.
Lonestar5 is a Cray XC40? It is fairly easy to compile FEniCS for Cray, but it somewhat depends on what other packages are installed on the system. e.g. here is a description of a build of FEniCS on an XC30 system.
yes, it is
Were you able to successfully install FEniCS on TACC? I inquired with the representatives at TACC but they said they don't have the facility installed in any of the systems.
Please let me know.
Thanks Ratnesh