I have this code that works in the case of a 2x2 matrix, which varies in the domain
from dolfin import *
import math
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(32, 32)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
u0 = Expression("1 + x[0]*x[0] + 2*x[1]*x[1]")
def u0_boundary(x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary
bc = DirichletBC(V, u0, u0_boundary)
c00 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 2)
c01 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 2)
c11 = MeshFunction("double", mesh, 2)
def function1(x):
y = 5*x² + 1
def function2(x):
y = 0.8*math.sqrt(x) + 0.1
def function3(x):
y = 9*x + 1
for cell in cells(mesh):
if cell.midpoint().x() < 0.5:
c00[cell] = function1(cell.midpoint().x())
c01[cell] = function2(cell.midpoint().x())
c11[cell] = function3(cell.midpoint().x())
c00[cell] = function1(cell.midpoint().y())
c01[cell] = function2(cell.midpoint().y())
c11[cell] = function3(cell.midpoint().y())
conductivity_code = """
class Conductivity : public Expression
// Create expression with 3 components
Conductivity() : Expression(3) {}
// Function for evaluating expression on each cell
void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& x, const ufc::cell& cell) const
const uint D = cell.topological_dimension;
const uint cell_index = cell.index;
values[0] = (*c00)[cell_index];
values[1] = (*c01)[cell_index];
values[2] = (*c11)[cell_index];
// The data stored in mesh functions
std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<double> > c00;
std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<double> > c01;
std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<double> > c11;
c = Expression(cppcode=conductivity_code)
c.c00 = c00
c.c01 = c01
c.c11 = c11
C = as_matrix(((c[0], c[1]), (c[1], c[2])))
u= TrialFunction(V)
v= TestFunction(V)
f= Constant(-6.0)
a= inner(C*grad(u), grad(v))*dx
L= f*v*dx
u = Function(V)
solve(a == L, u, bc)
Now I want to do something like this
A = inner (10 * grad (u), grad (v)) * dx" for cell.midpoint (). X () <0.5
A = inner (20 * grad (u), grad (v)) * dx" for cell.midpoint (). X ()> = 0.5
This would be like saying
A = inner (K * grad (u), grad (v)) * dx
where K varies in the domain, for which I do the following
k = MeshFunction ( "double", mesh, 2)
def function1 (x):
y = 9 * x + 1
for cell in cells (mesh):
if cell.midpoint () x () <0.5.:
k [cell] = function1 (cell.midpoint (). x ())
k [cell] = function1 (cell.midpoint (). y ())
and now is the problem, making the expression of K
Before I wrote an expression of C as a matrix containing the values c00, c01 and c11 in the domain, such as:
conductivity_code = """
class Conductivity : public Expression
// Create expression with 3 components
Conductivity() : Expression(3) {}
// Function for evaluating expression on each cell
void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& x, const ufc::cell& cell) const
const uint D = cell.topological_dimension;
const uint cell_index = cell.index;
values[0] = (*c00)[cell_index];
values[1] = (*c01)[cell_index];
values[2] = (*c11)[cell_index];
// The data stored in mesh functions
std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<double> > c00;
std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<double> > c01;
std::shared_ptr<MeshFunction<double> > c11;
c = Expression(cppcode=conductivity_code)
c.c00 = c00
c.c01 = c01
c.c11 = c11
C = as_matrix(((c[0], c[1]), (c[1], c[2])))
How do I make the expression of K that contains the values of k in the domain? to enter it in this way
A = inner (K * grad (u), grad (v)) * dx
and resolve it
thanks and sorry if it is not well understood, I do not speak much English