I want to do the the cut on a Function, namely
rho = 0 if rho<0, rho if 0=<rho=<1, 1 if rho>1
I have three variants to realize
def rho_cut_1(rho):
func_sp = rho.function_space()
rho_cut = Max(Constant(0.), Min(Constant(1.), rho))
return project(rho_cut, func_sp)
def rho_cut_2(rho):
func_sp = rho.function_space()
upper_bound = conditional(gt(rho, 1.), 1., rho)
rho_cut = conditional(lt(upper_bound, 0.), 0., upper_bound)
return project(rho_cut, func_sp)
class rho_cut_3(Expression):
def __init__(self, rho, rho_range=(0., 1.), val_range=(0., 1.)):
self.rho = rho
self.rho_range = rho_range
self.val_range = val_range
def eval(self, values, x):
if self.rho(x) >= self.rho_range[1]:
values[0] = self.val_range[1]
elif self.rho_range[0] < self.rho(x) < self.rho_range[1] :
values[0] = self.rho(x)
values[0] = self.val_range[0]
To check them I simply did the following,
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(50, 50)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
rho = interpolate(Expression('x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]'), V)
rho_1 = rho_cut_1(rho)
rho_2 = rho_cut_2(rho)
rho_3 = interpolate(rho_cut_3(rho), V)
Here are the results, rho_cut_1 and rho_cut_2 use project, and not end in an exact answer, but faster. rho_cut_3 gives the best output but very slow.
The more exact solution in rho_cut_3 may be due to interpolate. However interpolate only works for Expression.
Can I get an accurate answer like interpolate by using project?
Or do I need to go for JIT by using a cpp code Expression? How can I input my rho and share it in a cpp Expression?