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exact cut of a Function

0 votes

I want to do the the cut on a Function, namely
rho = 0 if rho<0, rho if 0=<rho=<1, 1 if rho>1

I have three variants to realize

def rho_cut_1(rho):
    func_sp = rho.function_space()
    rho_cut = Max(Constant(0.), Min(Constant(1.), rho))
    return project(rho_cut, func_sp)

def rho_cut_2(rho):
    func_sp = rho.function_space()
    upper_bound = conditional(gt(rho, 1.), 1., rho)
    rho_cut = conditional(lt(upper_bound, 0.), 0., upper_bound)
    return project(rho_cut, func_sp)

class rho_cut_3(Expression):
    def __init__(self, rho, rho_range=(0., 1.), val_range=(0., 1.)):
        self.rho = rho
        self.rho_range = rho_range
        self.val_range = val_range

    def eval(self, values, x):
        if self.rho(x) >= self.rho_range[1]:
            values[0] = self.val_range[1]
        elif self.rho_range[0] < self.rho(x) < self.rho_range[1] :
            values[0] = self.rho(x)
            values[0] = self.val_range[0]

To check them I simply did the following,

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(50, 50)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)

rho = interpolate(Expression('x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]'), V)
rho_1 = rho_cut_1(rho)
rho_2 = rho_cut_2(rho)
rho_3 = interpolate(rho_cut_3(rho), V)

Here are the results, rho_cut_1 and rho_cut_2 use project, and not end in an exact answer, but faster. rho_cut_3 gives the best output but very slow.

The more exact solution in rho_cut_3 may be due to interpolate. However interpolate only works for Expression.

Can I get an accurate answer like interpolate by using project?
Or do I need to go for JIT by using a cpp code Expression? How can I input my rho and share it in a cpp Expression?


asked Aug 22, 2016 by truemerlin FEniCS Novice (410 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

You can do

expr = "rho < 0. ? 0 : (1. < rho ? 1. : rho)"
rho_4 = interpolate(Expression(expr,rho=rho),V)

If you do not need parallel performance, you can work directly on the arrays.

answered Aug 23, 2016 by KristianE FEniCS Expert (12,900 points)

cool! it's faster than the subclass one and in the same accuracy
