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Computing derivatives in C++

+1 vote

Hello All,

I am wondering how to calculate the derivative of solution in C++.

auto wp = std::make_shared<Function>(V);

// Solve for the weighting potential
auto wp_problem = std::make_shared<LinearVariationalProblem>(a, L, w, wbc);
LinearVariationalSolver solver(wp_problem);

My w is fine, and it the right solution. What I need is the gradient of w. I tried this unsuccessfully:

// Now I need to calculate the gradient of w
auto wgrad = std::make_shared<Poisson::LinearForm>(V);

my Poisson.ufl:

element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 1)
u = TrialFunction(element)
v = TestFunction(element)
f = Coefficient(element)
a = inner(nabla_grad(u),nabla_grad(v))*dx
L = f*v*dx

Can anyone help?


asked Aug 21, 2016 by wtpot FEniCS Novice (450 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

you would need to do it using variational forms:

element = VectorElement("Lagrange", tetrahedron, 1) # or perhaps DG
u = TrialFunction(element)
v = TestFunction(element)

a = inner(u, v)dx
L = inner(grad(solution),v)

answered Aug 22, 2016 by Kent-Andre Mardal FEniCS Expert (14,380 points)

Thanks Mardal.

I tried that.

Here are my Gradient.ufl files:

vector_element = VectorElement("Lagrange",tetrahedron , 1)
element = FiniteElement("Lagrange",tetrahedron , 1)

u = Coefficient(element)
w = TrialFunction(vector_element)
v = TestFunction(vector_element)

a = inner(w, v)*dx
L = inner(grad(u), v)*dx

and my code is as follow:

auto L1    = std::make_shared<Gradient::LinearForm>(V);
auto a1    = std::make_shared<Gradient::BilinearForm>(V,V);
auto w1   = std::make_shared<Function>(V);
L1->u=w ;  // w is my solution from earlier
solve( a1 == L1 , w1 );

However this generates quite a bit of errors.

error: no matching function for call to ‘solve(bool, std::shared_ptr&)’
solve( a1 == L1 , w1 );

Any suggestions?

0 votes

I wanted to do the same thing. Here's how it is working for me:
The jpcGrad.ufl file:

element     = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle, 2)
velement    = VectorElement("Lagrange", triangle, 2)

solution    = Coefficient(element)   
v           = TestFunction(velement)  # Test Function
u           = TrialFunction(velement) # Trial Function

a = inner(u, v)*dx 
L = inner(grad(solution),v)*dx

Now, in the .cpp file:

#include "jpcGrad.h"


class GradClass : public Expression
    GradClass(Function &cref)
        c = &cref;
    void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& x) const
        Array<double> myval(1);
        c->eval(myval, x);
        values[0] = myval[0];
    Function *c;


jpcGrad::FunctionSpace G(mesh, PBC);
jpcGrad::LinearForm L(G);
jpcGrad::BilinearForm a(G,G);
auto gradf = GradClass(c);
L.solution = gradf;
Function u(G);

...//now in  the time loop:

//this is the solver that gives the solution c
//now solve for grad c:    
solve(a == L, u);

Thus, I had to subclass Expression so that the solution (a reference to which is saved in the private data of the subclass) can be evaluated in the gradient variational form assembly.

answered Oct 3, 2016 by jwinkle FEniCS Novice (450 points)