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Suggested statement for deprecated does not work

0 votes


I run fenics 2016.1.0 under docker; - Windows 10

Received the following suggestion when running :

Expr.geometric_dimension() is deprecated, please use find_geometric_dimension(expr) instead.

However, when the deprecated statement was used: d = u.geometric_dimension(), the program worked okay.

To avoid this message, accordingly, I changed code from d = u.geometric_dimension() to
d = find_geometric_dimension(u) as suggested.

However the following error was output and the program terminated:
name 'find_geometric_dimension' is not defined

I looked at the following link on All classes and function in DOLFIN(Python) but did not see either of the statements.

Any advice why the suggestion was rejected would be appreciated? The broader question is what document should I refer in future in similar situations to see the current specifications?


asked Aug 14, 2016 by vas FEniCS Novice (330 points)
edited Aug 15, 2016 by vas

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi, find_geometric_dimension is and UFL function. Consider

from dolfin import *

mesh = UnitSquareMesh(10, 10)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
f = Function(V)

# Either
print f.ufl_domain().geometric_dimension()

# Or
import ufl
print ufl.domain.find_geometric_dimension(f) 

I agree that the deprecation message does not help much in this case. Consider reporting an issue about it on Bitbucket. About the broader question; my advice is to read directly the source code. FEniCS is also mirrored on GitHub where you can search through code which makes learning much quicker/easier.

answered Aug 18, 2016 by MiroK FEniCS Expert (80,920 points)


Thank you for the leads. I am really learning the ropes. Bitbucket and Giithub are alien to me at the moment but I will do the hard yards and learn how to use these forums.

Thanks again.

