I am trying to modifiy the undocumented elastodynamics [demo][1] which deals with a nonlinear weak form, to a linear weak form. However, post editing, when I generated and ran the demo file, it gives the following error:
Error: Unable to create Dirichlet boundary condition.
*** Reason: Expecting a vector-valued boundary value but given function is scalar.
*** Where: This error was encountered inside DirichletBC.cpp.
The DBC has been defined as:
DirichletBC bcl(V, S, left);
DirichletBC bct(V, c, top);
DirichletBC bcr(V, c, right);
DirichletBC bcb(V, c, bottom);
// Collect all DBC in one container 'bcs'
// std::vector<const DirichletBC*> bcs = {{&bcl, &bcr, &bcb, &bct}};
std::vector<const DirichletBC*> bcs;
bcs.push_back(&bcl); bcs.push_back(&bcr); bcs.push_back(&bcb); bcs.push_back(&bct);