For those who are running the current release here is a workaround (thanks Øyvind Evju) and a few tests.
from dolfin import *
parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "uflacs"
def atan_2(y,x):
return conditional(ne(y, 0), 2*atan((sqrt(x**2+y**2)-x)/y), conditional(gt(x,0), 0, conditional(lt(x,0), pi, 1.0e20)))
def check_value(x,y, atanval, VV, V):
e = interpolate(Constant([x, y]), VV)
theta = project(atan_2(e[1], e[0]), V)
assert near(theta.vector().array()[0], atanval, 1.0e-13)
def test_atan2():
mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(1)
VV = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1, dim = 2)
V = VV.sub(0).collapse()
r2 = 1.0/sqrt(2)
check_value(r2, 0, 0.0, VV, V)
check_value(r2, r2, pi/4.0, VV, V)
check_value(0, r2, pi/2.0, VV, V)
check_value(-r2, r2, 3*pi/4.0, VV, V)
check_value(-r2, 0, pi, VV, V)
check_value(-r2, -r2, -3*pi/4.0, VV, V)
check_value(0, -r2, -pi/2.0, VV, V)
check_value(r2, -r2, -pi/4.0, VV, V)