

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class Set

Create empty set

Set(std::vector<T> &x)

Wrap std::vector as a set. Contents will be erased.

Set(const dolfin::Set<T> &x)

Copy constructor

iterator find(const T &x)

Find entry in set and return an iterator to the entry

const_iterator find(const T &x) const

Find entry in set and return an iterator to the entry (const)

bool insert(const T &x)

Insert entry

void insert(const InputIt first, const InputIt last)

Insert entries

std::size_t size() const

Set size

void erase(const T &x)

Erase an entry

void sort()

Sort set

void clear()

Clear set

T operator[](std::size_t n) const

Index the nth entry in the set

const std::vector<T> &set() const

Return the vector that stores the data in the Set

std::vector<T> &set()

Return the vector that stores the data in the Set