

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class IndexSet

This class provides an efficient data structure for index sets. The cost of checking whether a given index is in the set is O(1) and very very fast (optimal) at the cost of extra storage.

IndexSet(std::size_t size)

Create index set of given size

bool empty() const

Return true if set is empty

std::size_t size() const

Return size of set

bool has_index(std::size_t index) const

Check whether index is in set

std::size_t find(std::size_t index) const

Return position (if any) for given index

std::size_t &operator[](std::size_t i)

Return given index

const std::size_t &operator[](std::size_t i) const

Return given index (const version)

void insert(std::size_t index)

Insert index into set

void fill()

Fill index set with indices 0, 1, 2, ..., size - 1

void clear()

Clear set