

The documentation on this page was automatically extracted from the DOLFIN C++ code and may need to be edited or expanded.

class UmfpackLUSolver

Parent class(es)

This class implements the direct solution (LU factorization) of linear systems of the form Ax = b using UMFPACK ( if installed.



UmfpackLUSolver(std::shared_ptr<const GenericLinearOperator> A)


void set_operator(std::shared_ptr<const GenericLinearOperator> A)

Set operator (matrix)

const GenericLinearOperator &get_operator() const

Return the operator (matrix)

std::size_t solve(GenericVector &x, const GenericVector &b)

Solve linear system Ax = b for a sparse matrix using UMFPACK if installed

std::size_t solve(const GenericLinearOperator &A, GenericVector &x, const GenericVector &b)

Solve linear system

static Parameters default_parameters()

Default parameter values

void numeric_factorize()

LU factorisation

std::size_t solve_factorized(GenericVector &x, const GenericVector &b) const

Solve factorized system (UMFPACK).

static void umfpack_check_status(long int status, std::string function)

Check status flag returned by an UMFPACK function